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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 02:41:35
如果是一只1.8千克的鸟撞在速度为每小时 700千米的飞机上,产生的冲击力比炮弹的冲击力还要大.所以浑身是肉的鸟儿也能变成击落飞机的“炮弹”.
在我国也发生过类似的事情.1991年10月6日,海南海口市乐东机场,海军航空兵的一架“014号 ”飞机刚腾空而起,突然,“砰”的一声巨响,机体猛然一颤,飞行员发现左前三角挡风玻璃完全破碎,令人庆幸的是,飞行员凭着顽强的意志和娴熟的技术终于使飞机降落在跑道上,追究原因还是一只迎面飞来的小鸟.
如果一只 1.5千克的鸡与速度为每小时54千米的汽车相撞时产生的力有2800多牛顿.一次,一位汽车司机开车行使在乡间公路上,突然,一只母鸡受惊,猛然在车前跳起,结果冲破汽车前窗,一头撞进驾驶室,并使司机受了伤,可以说,汽车司机没被母鸡撞死真算幸运
We know that the movement is relative.When birds and aircraft comparison trip,although the bird's speed is not great,but great speed aircraft flight,such as airplanes,the speed of the big birds.Greater speed,impact strength will be greater.
For example,a 0.45 kg bird,hit a speed of 80 km per hour on the aircraft,it will have the force of Newton 1500,if the hit rate of 960 km per hour on the aircraft,then to produce 216,000 Newton force.
If it is a 1.8 kg bird hit speeds of 700 kilometers per hour on the aircraft,the impact of the impact of shells than larger.So every bird meat is also a downed aircraft "ammunition."
November 1962,the well-known "Viscount," the aircraft is in Maryland Yiliaote smooth flight over the city,and suddenly,boom,from high-altitude aircraft plant down.After the air tragedy that led to the chief culprit is a slow-flying in the air swans.
China also occurred in a similar matter.October 6,1991,the Hainan Haikou City Ledong airport,the naval air of a "014" aircraft into the sky and suddenly,"bang" sound,and the body suddenly Yishan,the pilot found that the left anterior Triangle wind completely broken glass,Fortunately,the pilot with indomitable will and the technical skill to the aircraft finally landed on the runway,held a face or the reasons for flying birds.
The collision will have an instant impact of the great examples,not only in between birds and aircraft,but also can occur in between the chicken and the car.
If a 1.5 kg chicken with a speed of 54 km per hour when the car collided with the forces generated by more than 2,800 Newton.Once a driver of a vehicle on the road in the countryside,and suddenly,a frightened hen,suddenly in the front up and,before the results through the car window,a撞进cab,and the driver was injured,it can be said,hen driver was killed not really count lucky