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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:42:34
After SABMiller lost a bidding war for China's Harbin Brewery Group to Anheuser-Busch Coso two years ago, it looked as if America's King of Beers would reign over the Middle Kingdom as well. Anheuser-Busch, after all, had already sealed a deal with China's leading brewery, Tsingtao, and with Harbin in its stable it looked unbeatable.
But SABMiller had a Plan B that could well give it the throne after all. Since losing Harbin, London-based SAB has focused its energies on a 12-year-old joint venture, China Resources Snow Breweries Ltd., that is now thriving. In June, CR Snow, which includes 46 breweries across the country, surpassed longtime leader Tsingtao for the No.l spot. For the 12 months through June, CR Snow produced nearly 40 million barrels, vs. 37 million for Tsingtao. As a result, CR Snow boasts 14.9% of the Chinese market, compared with Tsingtao's 13.9%. "Our growth has been on the back of a very consistent and targeted strategy," says Wayne Hall, SABMiller's finance director in China.
Both companies want to be the toast of China. As beer sales in the U.S. and Western Europe have lost their fizz, they're growing at 8%-plus annually in China. That has helped China overtake the U.S. as the world's top beer market.
SAB was early to see the promise of China, where it has been brewing since 1994. Yet instead of targeting big cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, as its competitors did, SABMiller scooped up breweries in less affluent areas, including the northeastern rust belt and the populous inland province of Sichuan. This contrarian strategy has allowed SABMiller to build up a national footprint at bargain prices. While Anheuser ponied up $700 million—as much as $62 per barrel of annual brewing capacity—for Harbin, SABMiller has typically paid $30-$40 per barrel for its breweries. "SABMiller has made a mint by purposely buying cheaper assets," says Bear, Stearns & Co. analyst Anthony Bucalo.
SABMiller has been smart in its positioning of the flagship Snow brand. To appeal to upwardly mobile youth, it slapped a shiny, modern label on the 50-year-old brew and launched a national ad campaign emphasizing the beer's freshness, complete with sweepstakes that reward winners with outdoor vacations. The marketing push is paying off as it presses into the big cities. China now accounts for nearly 20% of SABMiller's total volumes, and Snow has become China's No.l brand. Soon, it will probably surpass Miller Lite as the biggest seller in the company's cooler.
6. What is this article mainly about?
(A) The bidding war between SABMiller and Anheuser-Busch Cos.
(B) China has overtaken the U.S as the top beer market.
(C) How SABMiller beats Anheuser in global makets.
(D) The success of SABMiller in China.
7. What makes Snow beer one of the best-selling beers in China?
(A) The company has special technologies.
(B) Snow beer tastes better.
(C) The company has adopted an effective marketing strategy.
(D) CR Snow has purposely bought cheaper assets from SABMiller.
8. The word "affluent" in paragraph 4 can be replaced by ______.
(A) wealthy
(B) populous
(C) influential
(D) fluent
9. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
(A) SABMiller is an America-based beer company.
(B) Snow beer is now being sold all around the world.
(C) Beer sales in the U.S. and Western Europe dropped recently.
(D) Snow beer is welcomed by both youths and 50-year-olds.
10. What can be concluded from this article?
(A) Tsingdao beer is less tasty than Snow beer.
(B) Anheuser-Busch used to be the largest beer company in Europe.
(C) SABMiller spent $700 million in building new breweries.
(D) Snow beer is likely to become the biggest seller in SABMiller.

7.本题答案为C,难度一般.本题定位于文章最后一段.考生应该依据题干中的关键字Snow beer直接定位,然后找出末段的段意,即为正确答案.结构如下:
SABMiller has been smart in its positioning of the flagship Snow brand. To appeal to upwardly mobile youth, it slapped a shiny, modern label on the 50-year-old brew and launched a national ad campaign emphasizing the beer's freshness, complete with sweepstakes that reward winners with outdoor vacations. The marketing push is paying off as it presses into the big cities. China now accounts for nearly 20% of SABMiller's total volumes, and Snow has become China's No.l brand. Soon, it will probably surpass Miller Lite as the biggest seller in the company's cooler.

Yet instead of targeting big cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, as its competitors did, SABMiller scooped up breweries in less affluent areas, including the northeastern rust belt and the populous inland province of Sichuan.

显然,less affluent 与including…结构之间存在互相解释(例证)的关系.但是,具体到文字上来说,the northeastern rust belt 和the populous inland province of Sichuan 是两个分别出现的例子,合则可以说明less affluent,分开则不是完整的解释.除了不可直接将populous定位为affluent的答案之外,我们仔细阅读还会发现,即使可以这样定位,affluent的意思也应该是popuolous的反义词.

最后两题是定位的难点.但是由于选项中专有名词和数字的出现,仍然给题目降低了难度.答案为 9.C 10. D.解析如下:

① 我总以为,在中国效率最高的会议要数 ( 学校召集的 ) 家长会 .
译文: i always believe that the most efficient meeting in china is the parents’ meeting called by the school.
考点: “家长会”的翻译:“家长会”翻译成 the parents’meeting ,而不是 the parent’s meeting ,有人认为家长会一般只是一位家长参加,应用 parent 单数,不过这是专业表达方法.关于会议集锦请参考 1997 年 9 月试题中译英部分.
比较级的翻译:最高级:效率最高的 →most efficient
② 家长会完全符合“廉政建议”的要求,与会的家长绝不会像参加 ( 行业 、单位的 ) 一些会议,先看看会议地点是不是设在风景旅游区,会后发不发纪念品之类,然后方决定是否参加.
译文: the parents’meeting is in full conformity/accordance with the requirements for the “building of an honest and clean government”. with respect to meetings organized by a certain trade or the unit where one works, the person wants to know whether the venue of a meeting is in a scenic area frequented by tourists and whether gifts or souvenir getword("souvenir"); s will be handed out after the meeting before he decides whether to go or not. but for the parents’ meeting, nobody will ever think of this.
考点: 专业名词的翻译:廉政建议 →building of an honest and clean government
转性译法: 发纪念品 →gifts or souvenirs will be handed out
省词译法:原文中“ 与会的家长”,不少的考生把它翻译成 the parents who attend the meeting ,其实翻了一个逻辑错误,因为后面提到“方决定是否参加”,说明参加不参加不一定,因此前面就不能讲“已经参加了”,所以“与会的家长”中“与会的”就不必翻译了.
③ 其他会议都难得准时,惟有家长会绝对正点召开.
译文: while other meetings are rarely convened on time, the parents’ meeting absolutely/invariably starts with punctuality.
考点: 正反译法:绝对 →invariably
convene getword("convene"); : summon (people) to come together; arrange (a meeting, etc) 召集;召开(会议)
④ 在家长会上,家长们个个全神贯注地倾听、记录,生怕漏掉一点内容.
译文 1 : at the parents’ meeting, every parent listens and takes notes with rapid attention lest he or she might miss anything.
译文 2 : at the parents’ meeting, every parent is devoted to/concentrated on listening and taking notes so as not to miss anything. p&#-F,`(\xs)KsKiR'[ 此文转贴于我的学习网外语园地口译笔译 http://www.Gzu521.com]p&#-F,`(\xs)KsKiR'
译文 3 : at the parents’ meeting, every parent is devoted to/concentrated on listening and taking notes for fear that he or she might miss anything.
考点: 转性译法: 副词 → 名词 全神贯注地 →attention
动词 → 连词 生怕 →lest
lest 的翻译: lest 是一个较正规的连词,可以翻译成“唯恐;以免;生怕”.
⑤ 不少会议都可列入可开可不开之列,但对于学校和家长而言,家长会则是必不可少的.
译文: for many things, it does not really matter whether they are to be held or not, but to the school and the parents, the parents’ meeting is absolutely necessary/indispensable.
考点: 正反译法:必不可少的 →necessary (正译)
→indispensable (反译)