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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 21:31:31
Rhinos are critically endangered
At the
turn of the 19th century, there were approximately one million rhinos.
In 1970, there were around 70,000. Today, there are only around
28,000 rhinos surviving in the wild. Three of the five species
of rhino are “Critically Endangered” as defined by the IUCN (World
Conservation Union). A taxon is classified as critically endangered
when the best available evidence indicates that it meets any of a
range of pre-determined criteria. It is therefore considered to be
facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. The Southern
subspecies of the white rhino is classified by the IUCN in the lesser
category of being “Near Threatened”; and the Greater one-horned rhino
is classified as "Vulnerable"; even this is considered to be facing a
high risk of extinction in the wild. In 2014, some of us are
lucky enough to be able to travel to Africa and Asia to see them in
the wild. In 2024, when our children have grown up, will they still be able to see wild rhinos?
Rhinos have been around for 40 million years
have been an important part of a wide range of ecosystems for
millions of years; we must not let them join the dodo in extinction.
Humans have caused the drastic decline in numbers
Poachers kill rhinos for the price they can get for the horns (used for
traditional Chinese medicine, for high-status gifts in Vietnam and for
quack cures invented by criminal syndicates to drive up demand); land
encroachment, illegal logging and pollution are destroying their
habitat; and political conflicts adversely affect conservation programmes.
Rhinos are an umbrella species
protecting and managing a rhino population, rangers and scientists take in account all the other species interacting with rhinos and those sharing the same habitat. When rhinos are protected, many other speciesare too; not only mammals but also birds, reptiles, fish and insects
as well as plants.
Rhinos are charismatic mega-herbivores!
By focusing on a well-known animal such as a rhino (or, to use the
jargon, a charismatic mega-herbivore), we can raise more money and consequently support more conservation programmes benefiting animal and
plant species sharing their habitat.
Rhinos attract visitors and tourists
Rhinos are the second-biggest living land mammals after the elephants. Together with lion, giraffe, chimpanzee and polar bear, the rhino is oneof the most popular species with zoo visitors. In the wild, rhinosattract tourists who bring money to national parks and local communities. They are one of the “Big Five”, along with lion, leopard, elephant and buffalo.
In-situ conservation programmes need our help
Protecting and managing a rhino population is a real challenge that costs energy and money. Rhino-range countries need our financial support, and
benefit from shared expertise and exchange of ideas.Money funds effective conservation programmes that save rhinos
We know that conservation efforts save species. The Southern white rhino would not exist today if it were not for the work of a few determined people, who brought together the 200 or so individuals surviving, for a managed breeding and re-introduction programme. Today, there are
some 20,405 (as at 31 Dec. 2012) Southern white rhinos.With more money, we can support more programmes, and not just save rhinopopulations, but increase numbers and develop populations. TheNorthern white rhino subspecies may just have become extinct, but itis not too late to save the rest.犀牛是极度濒危的第十九世纪初,大约有一百万头犀牛.1970,约有70000.今天,只有大约28000只犀牛在野外生存.三犀牛五种“濒危物种”的定义为IUCN(世界自然保护联盟).一个分类单元被列为极度濒危的时候最好的现有的证据表明,它符合任何一系列预先确定的标准.因此,被认为是面临的灭绝风险极高.白犀牛的南方亚种的“近危”小类IUCN分类;和大独角犀牛被列为“弱势”;即使是面临着灭绝危险的野生高.2014,有些人有幸能旅行到非洲和亚洲在野外看到他们.2024,当我们的孩子长大了,他们仍然能够看到野生犀牛?犀牛已为40000000年左右的犀牛有数百万年了广泛的生态系统的重要组成部分;我们不能让他们加入渡渡鸟灭绝.人类的数量急剧下降,导致偷猎者杀死的价格可以得到角犀牛(用于中医,在越南,地位高的礼物的狗皮膏药发明了犯罪组织驱动需求);侵占土地,非法砍伐和污染破坏了它们的栖息地;政治冲突产生不利影响的保护计划.犀牛是一种保护伞物种的保护和管理一个犀牛的数量,在考虑到所有其他物种犀牛和那些共享相同的生境相互作用以流浪者和科学家.当犀牛保护,其他许多种哺乳动物也太;不仅是鸟类,爬行类,鱼类和昆虫以及植物犀牛魅力的巨型食草动物!通过专注于一个著名的动物如犀牛(或者,用行话,一个有魅力的巨型草食动物),我们可以筹集更多的资金,从而支持更多的保护计划受益的动物和植物物种共享它们的栖息地.犀牛吸引游客犀牛第二最大的陆生哺乳动物后的大象.与狮子,长颈鹿,黑猩猩和北极熊,犀牛是一种最流行的动物园游客.在野外,犀牛吸引游客带钱去国家公园和当地社区.他们是“五大”,随着狮子,豹,大象和水牛.就地保护方案,需要我们的帮助保护和管理一个犀牛种群是成本精力和金钱,一个真正的挑战.犀牛范围国家需要我们的资金支持,并从中受益的共享知识和思想的交流.货币资金有效的保护方案,拯救犀牛我们知道保护的努力拯救物种.南方白犀牛不如果不是少数人存在确定今天的工作,他聚集了200个人左右的生存,一个管理的繁殖和重新引进计划.今天,有20405(截至31月2012)南方白犀牛.有了更多的钱,我们可以支持更多的项目,而不是拯救犀牛的数量,但增加的数量和人口发展.北部白犀牛亚种可能已经灭绝,但不去救其他的太晚了.