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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 15:22:40
1.Today I washed my own clothes by myself.First I put those clothes in a big basin,with some water and laundry powder.I waited as the clothes were in water for several minutes and then I rubbed them.After those dirt on clothes fell into water,I use lots of clean water to wash again to make sure that all of those clothes were clean.Lastly,I hung those clothes .That's how I washed my clothes.
2.Today's tempreture reached 38℃,so we had to turn on the air conditioning.My mum boiled some corn,my favorite food.Bur mum told me that I couldn't drink water immediately after having corn .I had got to listen to my mum.However,the corn was tasty and unforgettable!
3.Today,my brother and I went to the boookstore to buy some books.After walking for several minutes we dicided to buy some books.There are lots of books.I decided to buy a series of text papers but I counldn't select as there were so many text papers to be chosen by me.With my brother's help,I chosen one.I was very happy!
4.Today,I stayed at home to finish those text papers for next term,It was quite difficult.But I had to keep on because only hard-working could help those not-cute people .If I wanted to get a good score I have to work hard now.Besides,those papers were selected by mu brother and I ,so I must treasure them!
5.The new term will begin in several days.During this Summer,I've read many intersting books and stories.I'v also finish many homework.I 've been in library to read book and I'v gone to the swimming pool to swim.Those experience were brilliant!This Summer vacation in extremly unforgettable!
英语翻译1.今天我在家洗了我自己的衣服:首先将衣服放在水盆中,加入适量的水和洗衣粉,浸泡几分钟,再用手慢慢揉搓,等衣服上 英语翻译1 这件衣服我洗了好多遍,可还是洗不干净2 你洗了几件衣服了?3 你把牛仔裤洗了几遍?,4 我的洗衣粉没有了,我 衣服上的染料如何去除洗衣服时把容易褪色衣服和其他衣服加洗衣粉浸泡一起,由于忙浸泡时间也比较长,导致褪色衣服的染料把另一件 衣服洗完晾干后有黄斑睡裤洗完晾干后有一块块的黄斑,我放太阳下晒的,而且用洗衣粉也泡了蛮久的,我不明白的是我裤子和衣服一起 没有面料成分和水洗标志的衣服是不合格的衣服吗 我在淘宝上买的衣服 Hang 在我一件衣服上的... 我的一个黄色衣服和一件红色衣服在一个盆里洗,结果那个红色衣服掉色,把黄色衣服也染成了红色,怎么去除 将湿衣服摊开放在向阳的地方,衣服干得快,是因为衣服被阳光照射时,衣服里水的温度_______,把衣服摊开增大了_____ 英语翻译今天我在你们衣服公司买了一件衣服..但到家之后发现从你们那买的衣服袖子坏掉了.我希望得到补偿.因为我现在走不开, 俺今天穿了件黄色的衣服,但为什么好多的小虫子喜欢飞沾在我衣服上哦! 一台洗衣机洗衣时,缸内水和洗衣粉的混合液及衣服的质量共20kg,在水和洗衣粉的混合液中,要求洗衣粉的质 电熨斗熨烫衣服问题我把衣服平铺在光洁瓷砖上,再用电熨斗烫衣服,可否?或者放在玻璃上?