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英语翻译“My dear,you are so lucky.I used to have what you have.”

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 03:30:44
“My dear,you are so lucky.I used to have what you have.”
The well-dressed old lady seated in the church next to me took me quite by surprise as she spoke to me.I said a quiet thank you to her,and at that moment I was a little unsure of the meaning behind her words.What did I think that this rich woman did not?With beautiful pearls around her neck,she seemed richer than me.
As I looked down at my own shoe,the answer became clear.I held my husband's band,listening to the sermon together.When I looked at the woman next to me again,I noticed that she sat patiently.Most likely,the husband whose hand once held hers on Sunday mornings had came on and left her with the memories of what I now talk with my husband.“I am so lucky,”I answerher in a low voice.As I sat down and got ready to leave the church,I looked up at my husband,Allen,and smiled.
My husband,Allen,once always living a busy life,now buys his small business in our hometown.Such as coming home from work after 7:00 pm,Allen is home in time for our six o'olock family coffee.We bathe,read stories,and wash the dishes.My husband is right by my side as we tinish the housework.
I wondered that the elderly lady was quite old.Yhat I have is truly special.I am the best woman in the world to live with such a caring husband.Through the words of a complete stranger,I ___to cherish each moment with the man I love.I fully want to keep his hand for as long as God allows.
帮忙翻译成中文吧.还有,帮忙填一填那个横线吧.是完型填空那种,横线处有四个答案A.had B.planned C.liked D.decided,
英语翻译“My dear,you are so lucky.I used to have what you have.”
这位着装得体的老妇人做在我的旁边高兴的对我说.我很小声的回答谢 谢.同时我
但是当我看到我的鞋子的时候,答案似乎很明确.我用着我丈夫的贷款.我和丈夫一起听着布道(教堂的圣经吧) 当我再次看那个妇人的时候,我发现她耐心的坐着,好像回忆她丈夫正牵着她的手一样.我对丈夫小声的说:我真幸运.当我因为我是坐着的而且准备离开教堂,我向上微笑看着我的丈夫,海伦,
选A Had 表示 必须 是主观意念 表示作者想必需做的事.