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英语翻译Older African-American children achievement gap remainsF

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 10:23:31
Older African-American children achievement gap remains
For tens of years,public schools have focused on closing the big achievement gap that keeps African-American children away from their white mates.Now new data from the US Education Department shows that the effort may have only been poorly successful.
Since the early 1990s,school have helped minority elementary school children close the achievement gap in basic math and reading skills.Real progress was shown on a recent national test given to thousands of fourth-grade kids.
But by the time they get to middle school,it seems that this progress has disappeared.Educators have known for years that scores for all students on the National Assessment of Educational Progress,or NAEP,seem to stop improving in middle school and high school,but today's findings offer the first complete look at just how poorly older black students do compared with white students.
Over 17 years,black fourth-graders have reduced the achievement gap in math from about 31 points to 26 points on a 500-point scale and,over 15 years they've reduced the gap in reading from 32 points to 27 points;but black eighth-graders have not:the point spread in math has moved from 33 to 31 points,a slight change.Likewise in reading,the gap has moved from 29 to 26 points,also slight.
"More progress appears to be happening for the younger kids,but the progress doesn't keep moving on when they go to middle school and high school,"says Peggy Carr,a researcher at the National Center for Education Statistics.
The Education Department first gave the math test in 1990;it began testing reading in 1992.The USA's latest effort at closing achievement gaps is the 2002 No Child Left Behind education law.The newest NAEP suggests that the law has benefited younger kids more than older ones.
英语翻译Older African-American children achievement gap remainsF
Peggy Carr,身为在国家教育数据中心的一个研究员说:“进步好像多是发生在年轻的小孩里面,但是当他们进入初中和高中以后,这样的进步就没有被延续下去了.”
教育管理部门在1990年第一次给出了数学考试;而阅读考试就在1992开始实施.美国最新的关于减少成绩差距的举动是在2002年颁布的"No Child Left Behind“(就是没有学生拖后腿)教育条例.最新的NAEP说这个条例的颁发,使到年轻的学生更加受益.