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本人英语不好1when his book was published,it did ____ the interest

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 12:31:41
1when his book was published,it did ____ the interest of many readers.
A arouse B rise C arise D raise
2The letters PTO___ parent--teacher organization.
A stand for B call for C head for D care for
3The research laboratory is going to ___the new type of computer to use.
A take B make C put D bring
4 It's a good ____ to eat with the mouth closed.
A custom B habit C way D style
5 Our friendship is ___ and we will neaver again be separated.
A restored B reserved C restrained D repeated
6 He could feel the pain again as the medicine ___
A wore away B wore out C wore off D wore on
7 The old man collects ___ of all kinds of rocks and minerals.
A samples B speciments C patterns D systems
本人英语不好1when his book was published,it did ____ the interest
1.A arouse one's interest唤起某人的兴趣
2.A 代表
3.C put……to use把……投入使用
4.B 习惯
5.A 恢复
6.C 逐渐消失(不能确定,请自己参考其他答案)
7.A 样品
再问: 请问第五题答案为什莫不选B
再答: reserve 保留,保持,保存。根据后半句“我们再也不分开了”可以断定,他们的友谊出现过裂痕,现在有恢复了。
再问: 1 Another five weeks ___ necessary for us to finish the work A are B has been C is D will have been 4____ power me mean the rate of doing work. A By B To C With D On 能帮我在看两道吗
再答: 1.C Another five weeks是一个整体,another是“又一个,再一个”的意思。上句实际意思是:再给一个“五个星期的时间”对于我们完成这项工作是必要的。 2.这个题目有问题吧,根据语法只能选B,但意义说不通呀,题目有没有抄错?
再问: 2题目没有抄错,答案选A,by
再答: 那这个题目真的有问题,如果power是名词,其后不能跟me做宾语;如果是动词,其前有介词by,必须加ing.所以正确的题目应该是: 4____ power I(将me改为I) mean the rate of doing work. A By B To C With D On 此题考查的是结构mean……by sth.某物的意思是…… 如: -What do you mean by "wenzi"? -I mean "mosquito" by "wenzi". 因此。此题的正常语序应该是 I mean the rate of doing work by power.我说的功率就是指做功的速率。