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英语翻译请各位大神帮小弟翻译下这篇摘要吧!非常感激!十二生肖贺卡设计摘 要:本文在从贺卡的特征功能以及贺卡的要素等角度对

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 06:15:52
摘 要:本文在从贺卡的特征功能以及贺卡的要素等角度对其进行了阐述,现代贺卡设计强调的是强烈的视觉效果和感受,并能够准确的表达主题思想,使读者领悟并接受其深刻的内涵.明确的让人感兴趣的主题是贺卡设计成功的关键,好的主题再结合适合的版式和色彩是一幅成功设计必备要素.图形设计也是贺卡设计的关键,图形作为传达信息的载体,能够在第一时间传达主题,抓住读者眼球,因此好的图形设计对于主题的表达起着至关重要的作用.现代贺卡设计同样是不断发展和创新的,需要一些新思想、新观念的介入,只有有新血液的注入事物才能发展,贺卡设计也不例外,也是在不断的否定创新的过程中不断的发展着,形成自己的新形式和新的风格.好的主题、好的创意、好的表现形式、好的板式、好的色彩成就一套好的十二生肖贺卡设计作品.
关键词:十二生肖 贺卡 创意 艺术字 吉祥
英语翻译请各位大神帮小弟翻译下这篇摘要吧!非常感激!十二生肖贺卡设计摘 要:本文在从贺卡的特征功能以及贺卡的要素等角度对
This paper emphasizes the features and function of greeting card as well as the essential factors. The crucial factor of the modern greeting card design turns to be a strong visual effect with a distinct theme which helps readers to understand and accept the profound meaning. What decides whether the design of a greeting card is successful is a clear and interesting theme. A good theme with a calculated format and color is a key factor of a successful design. Graphic design is also crucial in designing greeting card which helps to catch the readers by promoting the theme immediately as the carrier of message. So a good graphic design plays an important part in conveying themes. The design of modern greeting card is ceaselessly developing and innovating which needs new ideas and conceptions. By infusing it with fresh blood to improve it’s development. The design of greeting card is no exception to develop itself in ceaseless denials and innovation to form an unique style and type. A good design works of greeting cards with the theme of twelve Chinese zodiac signs consists of five factors as following: a good theme, a good innovation, a good presenting form, a good format as well as a right color.
Key words: twelve Chinese zodiac signs; greeting card; innovation; fancy font; auspiciousness