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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 00:31:05
Secondary compared to primary and secondary school students with active, curious, fun features. Thus, as teachers are not simply thinking in accordance with the adults to organize the classroom, if the students listen to recordings repeatedly, constantly imitating machinery, resulting in only a very young age so that they will suffer from "phobia." Although the active primary and secondary school students, the attention of easily dispersed, but why for the animation program to watch a motionless for several hours? This is the interest in the role. Only when they have the desire to listen and when that can be dedicated. Progressive冯克诚also pointed out that the interest of students, will largely determine the success of English teaching. If in the teaching process will enable students interested in or able to attract students, they will be teaching the ways and means to have a high content of interest, their attention, memory, understanding, ability, etc. will be strengthened by the enthusiasm to learn will greatly improved. Students will become conscious of the activities, so as to effectively achieve the purpose of high-quality teaching. And therefore must be interest in learning English through the teaching of English throughout the entire process.
Interest in the cultivation of the hearing, to a large extent depend on the choice of material, the use of ways and means, the length of time, according to Krashen's Input Hypothesis understanding, ease of listening material should be moderate. First, the hearing materials appear most of the grammar and words should be familiar to students; Second, pay attention to speed should not be too fast nor too slow. At present, primary and secondary school students use the listening material with very little, which for the majority of English teachers and challenges, I personally think that may wish to learn the teaching of reading comprehension or reading an interesting story through the translation, collation, processing, so that become a better listening material. Another innocent and lively students, singing songs of their preferences, some of the original paced songs as the children's hearing materials, on the one hand, students can reduce the anxiety of hearing sense of training, on the other hand, to meet the psychological needs of students. To enable students to have a "I can also be the same as foreign children singing" singing in English will be songs to enjoy a sense of achievement. Relaxed and happy so that they exercise listening environment. Listen to songs to listen to the story is only a means to enable students to complete the hearing to fill in the blank, exercise order, sentence dictation and other projects.
Psychological analysis, in particular like to feel good speech, to express their opinions. After listening to the story and therefore, songs played over and over, listening at the same time, to point to imitate, on the story of a person or songs expressions of opinion, the theme of understanding, they will be tempted to play often extraordinary. Driving time, the students might have heard of significant progress. Our forefathers said, "not as good as delegated by the awarding of fish to fish." English teachers as a "grant of fishing" is also very important. Not only to the students information, tape, film and so on. Should also teach them some skills, such as how to listen, how to learn some important information. Scientific methods used to conduct the hearing training can be achieved effectively. Listening Comprehension There are two ways: bottom-up (botton up approach). Bottom-up approach is in the vocabulary, syntax, meaning the surface layer of finishing material to the hearing. Is a sounds ----- words ------- sentences process. And "top-down" approach is the use of the listener with the topic-related knowledge, and objectivity in the handling of hearing materials. Through the forecast, speculation, and so on to verify and modify the means to understand the material. Such as a traffic accident, the students access to this information, the brain and so the question will arise, time (time), place (location), cause (reason), death and injuries (casualties) and so on. Regular attendance of real-time what, when, why, where, who. Guidance and training of students proficient use of both methods is essential. Timely hearing to seize material that inspired feelings guide the students. Infiltration of the colloquial.
In the long-term process of teaching I found that some students are often forgotten in front of the back listening to. Is brought to memory the details vague, its because there is no record to develop good habits listened. Advise their students to look at the problem and therefore, the training capacity of their notes. Of course, some listened to the question is read out after the material, which the students put forward higher requirements, because the hearing focused on the former do not know who is the object, or location. And therefore should take shorthand is the best way to require students to create their own symbols. Such as My father is going to Shanghai this weekend. Can remember to do M F ---- SH wkd. So no matter what question will be from the record and find the answers in mind, it is of primary school students have difficulty, but the culture from an early age on a regular basis, will be immense benefits from learning the English language.
(B) take into account extra-curricular self-training in order to promote Oral hearing
The current status quo of China's rural areas are: large classes, students, small class oral hearing. Rely on the limited classroom time, is clearly not enough. This requires that we English teachers for students in extra-curricular extension of a world. To their self-development, training heard.
(1) teachers to use their own books, tapes prepared for the students, recording information on a wealth of hearing, or the story or dialogue. This requires teachers to spend a lot of time and effort. The preparation of the story can be set when the suspense, leaving space for students to Lenovo. Small dialogue so that students can listen to the basis of content, frame pictures, or cartoons row, from the traditional boring listening mode "so the students listen to recordings --- --- subject teachers may wish to check the answer" to a new type of "combination of hands, imagination, minds ability to "change. Training of teachers to the students the subject of the hearing and the need to practice spoken language projects require students to be completed within the allotted time, and self-check answers. Oral practice of self-recording, and then to the teacher rating. The establishment of teacher-student portfolio heard, the students recorded in the register every time I heard. Usually assessed 4: A excellent B good C passing D lacks. At the same time, the use of tape recorders or the campus radio Oral outstanding students broadcast recordings, so they have a strong sense of honor. Although younger students, but the personality争强好胜no worse than adults. Due to potential-induced, why should we worry about the ability of listening to spoken language is not high.
心理学上分析,人在心情愉悦时特别喜欢讲话,发表见解.因而在故事听完,歌曲唱完,听力训练的同时,要来点模仿,发表对故事中得人物或歌曲中词句的见解,主题的理解,他们会跃跃欲试,往往有超常的发挥.驾以时日,学生在听说方面会有长足的进步.古人云“授之以鱼不如授之以渔”.作为英语教师“授之以渔”的做法也是非常重要的.不能只给学生带来资料,磁带,电影等.还应教会他们一些技巧,如怎样听,如何汲取一些重要的信息.采用科学的方法,进行听力训练可以达到事半功倍的效果.听力理解的方法有两种:自下而上(botton up approach ).自下而上的方法就是在词汇,句法,寓意层的表面对听力材料进行精加工.是一个sounds -----words------- sentences的过程.而“自上而下”的方法是听者运用与话题相关的知识,对听力材料进行客观处理.通过预测,推测,验证和修改等手段来理解材料.如a traffic accident , 学生获取这一信息,大脑中便会出现诸如此类的问题,time(时间) ,place(地点 ),cause(原因),death and injuries(伤亡人数)等.即时常听讲的what , when, why, where, who .指导和训练学生熟练运用两种方法是非常必要的.适时抓住听力材料一点启发,引导学生发表感想.对口语进行渗透.
在笔者长期的教学过程,发现有部分学生常常听了后面忘了前面.提起细节来更是记忆模糊,其原因是没有养成边听边记录的良好习惯.因而指导学生先看问题,训练他们做笔记的能力.当然有的听了问题是在材料之后读出的,这对学生提出了更高的要求,因为听前不知道侧重点是人,是物,还是地点.因而采取速记应该是最佳的方法,要求学生自创符号.如My father is going to Shanghai this weekend.可以记做 M F----SH wkd. 这样无论提问什么问题,都会从记录和脑海中找出答案了, 这固然对小学生具有难度,但从小培养,持之以恒,将会对英语学习受益无穷.
(1)教师利用自己拥有的书籍,磁带为学生编订、录制丰富的听力资料,或故事、或小对话.这需要教师花费大量的时间和精力.编制故事时可设置悬念,留给学生充分的联想空间.小对话可让学生根据所听内容,画幅图画,或连续的漫画,实现由枯燥的传统听力模式“学生听录音---做题目---教师核对答案”向新型的“结合动手,想象,动脑能力”的转变.教师交给学生听力训练的题目及需要练习的口语项目,要求学生在规定的时间内完成,并且自我核对答案.而对口语练习,自我录音,然后交予教师评定.教师为学生建立听说档案袋,将学生每次听说记录在册.通常分四级评定:A优 B良 C及格 D欠缺.同时利用录音机或校园广播把学生的优秀口语录音进行播出,使他们有一种强烈的荣誉感.小学生虽年龄小,但争强好胜的个性丝毫不比成人差.因势诱导,何愁听力口语的能力提不高.