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英语翻译London like many big cities has traffic problems that se

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/26 03:24:02
London like many big cities has traffic problems that seem to get worse and worse every year.Tom Jonkins,a London bus driver,was asked what he would do to improve the situation if he were put in charge of London Transport.This is what he said:"if you put me in charge of London Transport,I'd make a number of changes.I'd forbid(禁止)private cars to go through central London between 7:00 a.m.and 6:00 p.m.,unless the owners actually live in the area.I'd build a lot of new,cheap car parks near the railway station on the suburb of the city so that people could leave their cars there and travel to and from work by train.I'd fix a standard fare for all buses or tube journeys in the center and I'd make it possible for people to buy ten or a dozen tickets at one time at a reduced price.Then the buses and taxis would be able to move much more quickly and easily,and life would become more comfortable for everyone."
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英语翻译London like many big cities has traffic problems that se
和其他很多大城市一样,伦敦也遭遇着日益严重的交通问题.汤姆JONKINS,一个伦敦的公交车司机,曾被问到如果由他负责伦敦的交通业他将怎样去改善这样的现况.他是这样说的:“如果你让我负责伦敦的交通业,我将会做出许多的改变.我会禁止私家车在早上7:00到下午6:00在伦敦市中心通行,除非车主确实住在市中区.我将在市郊的火车站附近建造许多新的,廉价的停车场,让人们可以把他们的车停在那里,乘火车上下班.我将为市中区的所有的公交车以及管城(TUBE JOURNEYS?)规定一个标准费用,而且我还会把让人们用最少的钱一次性买十张或者更多张票变成可能.然后,公交和计程车就能够开的快些和容易些了,每一个人的生活也会变得更舒适了.
终于翻完了.不求得分 也希望其它朋友看到了给我翻译中重大过失指出来.……
BY 一个力求上进的大四差生