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英语翻译Garage sale BarganinsDo you need a sofa or an interestin

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 16:38:45
Garage sale BarganinsDo you need a sofa or an interesting.piece of art?If you don't have a lot of money,try a garage sale!Every weekend,in cities around Canada and United States,people sell unwanted things in front of their houses-old books,used clothes and jewelry,videos and CDs,okd furniture,and much more!Patricia Evans lives in Detroit,Michigan,she goes to garage sales on the weekeands "On friday nights,I look on the Web for the best garage sales in may city,"she says."I make a list,Then on Saturday and Sunday I go from sale to sale,"And what does she find?"There's a lot of junk at some garage sales-you know,used clothes and kids'toys.But sometimes,you can find something really interesting-for a great price!I have some beartiful antiques.One is a small table from the 1920s.The price?Five dollars!also have an old radio frome the 1940s.It was free.It doesn't work,but I like to fix things."Patricia doesn't only buy antiques at garage sales."Here's a set of Yu-Gi-Oh trading cards for my nine-year-old nephew.In a store,this set costs $ 12.At the garage sale,it was $ 1.That's cheap!"
英语翻译Garage sale BarganinsDo you need a sofa or an interestin
宅前旧货出售,便宜实惠:你需要一张沙发或是一件艺术品吗?没有太多钱没关系,试试宅前旧货出售吧!每个周末,在加拿大和美国的城市里,人们都会在自家门前摆摊设卖:旧书,旧衣物,二手珠宝首饰,录像带,CD,旧家具,应有尽有!帕特里夏 埃文斯 家住密歇根,底特律.她是这些二手货的常客,她说:“一般在星期五晚上,我就会上网找本城最好的宅前旧货出售出售地.我还会拟一个购物单.到了星期六和星期天,我就会去货比三家了.”
她能买到些什么呢?她又继续补充道:“要知道,在这种二手市场里的“垃圾货”还是很多的.但是,有时候你的确能找到一些既便宜又实用的玩意儿.我就用很少的钱买到了一些古董,一张1920年制造的小座子,至于价格嘛,5美元就买到了!我还搞到了一个1940年产的收音机,没要钱.但是我拿到的时候它是坏的,我自己把他修好了.” 帕特里夏在这些小市场中不仅仅买古董而已.正如她所说:“这有一套交易卡片游戏,我买了下来送给我9岁的侄子.在商店里面这玩意儿要卖12美元.我在这里只花了1美元就买下了,真便宜!”
Lex 译.