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口语考试形式与范围:形式:给出topic,由考官指定2-4位同学就此topic进行讨论.范围:以下六个讨论话题 1.Do

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 03:16:40
口语考试形式与范围:形式:给出topic,由考官指定2-4位同学就此topic进行讨论.范围:以下六个讨论话题 1.Do you think first impression is important?Why?Do you think you usually make a good first impression why or why not?Do you have any good idea to form a good first impression?2.Can you cook?Is there a special dish (菜肴)you can make?How to make it?What is your favorite dessert(甜点)?Can you cook it?Are there any foods and drinks you have all the time?Neve have?why?3.What is the weather like today?How does weather affect your moods?Where would you like to visit?Is the weather important?4.What traffic and transportation problems are common Do you have any good idea to solve the problems?5.Are you concerned about animals becoming extinct?Why or why not?What animals in your country are endangered?How can we protect endangered speccies?6.Do you know any actor?Who do you think is the funniest comedian in the world?Why?What is funniest movie you have ever seen?why is it funny?
口语考试形式与范围:形式:给出topic,由考官指定2-4位同学就此topic进行讨论.范围:以下六个讨论话题 1.Do
再问: 是的,最好都有,不知道老师考那道
再答: 可以追加财富值吗?内容真的好多。这些题目我很熟悉,我是商务英语专业的,外教课就是类似这些题目,做对话。
再问: 我把我唯一仅有的5金币给你吧,我们周五就考了
再问: 以后有还可以补的吧,我刚弄这个知道不知道怎么整呢
再答: 好的。我尽力帮你吧。
再问: 太谢谢了
再答: 1) Do you think first impression is important? Why? Do you think you usually make a good first impression? Why or why not? Do you have any good idea to form a good first impression?
A: Hey. What are you doing?
B: Preparing my CV. Cause I’m trying to find an internship job.
A: Wow. Cool. You work hard and you’ll make it.
B: Thanks. But I’m still worried about the interview. I’m afraid I may not leave a good impression on the interviewer as I imagine. That will directly influence the result.
A: Yeah. I understand. We both have the same concern. I think it’s true that the first impression is very important. As the old saying goes, you will never have a second chance to make the first impression. So we should do more work on how to make a good impression.
B: Yes. Exactly. Do you have any good ideas?
A:Of course. I have ever talked to my cousin who is in the HR Department. Let’s take the interview for example. He told me that first of all, you should do your homework before you actually come to the interview. Learn more about the company, the job, the boss and other important things you think you need to know about the interview. Second, a good CV. A good CV means the interview can get the information directly without wasting time to appreciate your elaborate design and exaggerated pictures. Brief and useful is enough. Third, behave well. That means you should dress and talk appropriately. Being polite and gentle. And express your opinions and show them your abilities to fit the job. With these efforts, I’m sure you’ve made a good impression on the interviewer.
B: Owesome. It’s really helpful talking to you. And I think the first impression is important not only in job interviews but also in other occasions.
A: Of course. I believe you could get the job.
B: Thank you. Hey .By the way, what’s going on with your internship?
A: I’ve already got it.
B: Wow. Congratulations.
再问: ?
再问: 问啥回答啥就行了
再问: 我就差第六个了
再问: 有时间的话你帮我弄出来
再问: 没时间我就查有道了
再答: 不是做对话啊
再问: 是
再问: 就剩第六个了
再答: ok
再问: 三克油!!!!
再答: Yes. I like films very much.
In my opinion, Geyou is the funniest comedian in the world.
Because his a unique actor with unique humorous. He makes jokes very naturally. Even he’s not doing anything but looking at you, the eye contact can easily make you laugh. He’s a great comedian.
Let the bullets fly. A lot of stars act in this movie especially my favorite comedians. I think it’s funny because people in the scene always tell jokes, saying humorous words and act hyperbolicly. And the most important factor is that Geyou also act in this movie.
再答: 中国的行不?
再问: 行
再问: 谢啦
再答: 采纳不?
再问: 扣了
再答: 嘿嘿。谢拉。有类似的问题都可以向我提问。
再问: 好的