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英语翻译Selected results from control valve re-engineering proje

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 15:21:30
Selected results from control valve re-engineering projects carried out over the previous two years are summarized.These results support the idea that an engineered approach to control valve optimization is required to achieve the best performance for the current service conditions.Enbridge Pipelines Inc.operates a lengthy system of batched pipelines in North America that transport a broad range of liquid petroleum products.Ninety percent of existing pump stations employ pressure
control valves as the final control element.Pressure control valves in mainline service are typically over
12 inches in size.Due to the considerable capital investment associated with each control valve and
actuator installation,a strong incentive exists to maintain and optimize their performance.Another unique factor in pipeline engineering arises from pumping energy costs making up a significant portion of operating expenditures.Historically,this has led Enbridge to select control valves that are
“oversized” in comparison to industry norms.
Responsive and robust line pressure control in pipeline operations is essential for avoiding preventable
line shut-downs due to pressure excursions.Flexibility in pipeline operations requires frequent changes
in flow rates and delivery sites.These flexibility requirements,in addition to batch transport of widely
differing products,introduce significant performance demands on the entire pressure control system.
Control valve commissioning usually consists of specification of service conditions,control valve sizing
(by valve manufacturers),and field tuning of the controller during start-up.Closed-loop performance of
the valve will typically have been tested over a restricted operating range during this process.
The performance of control valves has received considerable attention over the past decade.Some of
the knowledge garnered from various industries,most notably pulp and paper,has been captured in
ISA/ANSI-TR75.02-2000 [1].A central idea is that good mechanical performance of the control valve
is essential to ensure good process control.
Enbridge’s experience is that several factors lead to pressure control system performance degradation
• Inconsistent (nonlinear) response at different flow rates
• Changing service conditions
• Undocumented changes to the control system configuration or tunings after original
In reviewing current pressure control system performance capabilities,a complete picture of all factors
must be assembled.Enbridge has adopted a systematic approach to analyze and optimize the
performance of existing control valves.The five main steps in this process are:
1) Conducting on-site control valve field tests.
2) Performing a simulation analysis of the control valve and its hydraulic environment.
3) Implementation and testing of settings derived from the field data and simulation analysis.
英语翻译Selected results from control valve re-engineering proje
选择的结果,从控制阀重新设计项目进行了超过前两年的总结.这些结果支持这一想法,一个工程的方法,以控制阀的优化,需要达到最佳的表现为目前的服务conditions.enbridge管道公司设有一个冗长的系统batched管道,在北美,运输范围广泛的液态石油产品.90 % ,现有的水泵站聘请的压力
(阀制造商) ,和外地的微调控制器期间开办.闭环系统的性能
isa/ansi-tr75.02-2000 [ 1 ] .一个中央的想法是,良好的力学性能的控制阀
1 )进行对现场控制阀的实地测试.
2 )表演了模拟分析控制阀及液压环境.
3 )的实施和测试的设置来自外地的数据和模拟分析.