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英语翻译We at Montserrat Publishing have published two books dev

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 22:31:22
We at Montserrat Publishing have published two books devoted to improving the everyday vocabulary of intermediate and advanced English language students.
You probably find that even though you have been studying English for many years ,you still have problem following a social conversation between English speaking people.
Maybe you need English for business and you have a wide knowledge of the vocabulary relating to you speciality ,but you find it difficult to conduct meetings in English.This is because you cannot understand the practical ,everyday expressions being employed.You may also need to understand journals and trade magazines writtrn in English where a dictionary is not enough to convey the real meaning of what is being said.
The Practical Everyday English series consist of a collection of words and expression used every day by all classes of society.The idea is that after being presented with a word or expression the reader can see how it is used by reading two clear example.Each example contains at least one word or even two or three which have been studied on earlier pages.
英语翻译We at Montserrat Publishing have published two books dev
蒙特塞拉特出版社出版致力于提高中级和高级英语日常词汇的学生两本书. 您可能会发现,即使你已经学了多年英语,你仍然对英语社交很头疼. 也许你有需要的商务英语知识或你有一个相关的专业词汇,但你很进行会议主持,因为你无法理解雇佣者的真实意图,仅仅学会日常用语、阅读英文期刊及贸易杂志是不够的,必须了解传达的真实意愿. 日常实用英语系列的单词和表达思想采用的是社会化的语言,每天收集各阶层组成的是,然后一个字或词提出的读者可以看到两个明显不同的例子.每隔离局都包含至少一个甚至两三个已在先前研究过的单词.
devote to 致力于,献身于
find it difficult to do 做某事困难
word and expression 词组