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Do I have to come back tomorrow?Yes,you_.A can B may C must

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 12:30:17
Do I have to come back tomorrow?Yes,you_.A can B may C must D hospital
My uncle is a _ driver ,he drives a _bus.
A coach;two-storied B taxi;two-storied
C coach;two-story D taxi;two-story
Each man_spoke at the meting.
A in turn B on turn C for turn D at turn
The farmer owns 100_
A deers B sheeps C chicken D horses
Though he is serious in_,he is a very kind person indeed.
A appearance B shape C figure D feature
Every day ,this happens_me in the school library.
A to B in C on D with
Mary is flying back to America.I'll take a taxi to the airport _.
A to say hello to her B to show her in C to see her off
Mr.Read asked me_Iwas going to speak at the meeting and I say "Yes".
A how B when C whether
This is the key_the door,don't lost it!
A to B of C with
What a heavy snow!
The farmer must be very happy about it.The snow_another good harvest next year.
A hopes B wishes C wants D promises 能不能告诉我选那个选项的原因
Do I have to come back tomorrow?Yes,you_.A can B may C must
标题 选C yes,you must.具有一定的主观强调命令,其实可以用 have to 或must.
题目 1 C coach 有长途客运汽车的意思,根据上下文,双层巴士,不是出租车,而是汽车;
two-story 双层,连字符连接的前后单词应该是名词,若不要连字符,就是two storied.
2 A in turn 表示依次,轮流,词语搭配; on turn转弯处,for turn 没有这样的搭配
3 D deer,sheep 单复数同形.chicken作为鸡肉,才不可数,这里是小鸡,应该是复数形 式.所以只能选D
4 A 根据上下文,他外表严肃,但其实人很好.shape形状,figure身形,体态,feature特征 意思都不符合
5 A happen to sb,固定搭配,发生在某人身上.
6 C see ..off 为.送行,向.告别,根据上下文,应该是为Mary送行.say hello to 向.打招呼,问好;show in 领进,领入 意思不符
7 C 根据下文我的回答为 'yes',所以上文是 是否要发表讲话,其他how,when 都不符合
8 A 这里to是做的所有格.相当于's ,部分名词的所有格不用's 或 of +名词来表示,而是用 to 表示.这类有 钥匙,答案,桥,路,出口,入口.这些的所有格要用to
9 D 瑞雪兆丰年 谚语,而且promise 本来就有,有.希望,预示 的意思,直接翻译就是说 这场雪预示着来年会有好丰收.