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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:29:57
体态语/身势语:body language
在跨文化交际中,要清楚认识体态语与文化之间的关系。文化和绝大多数体态语都是代代相传和后天习得的,都是长期历史和文化积淀而成的某一社会共同的习惯。二者之间的关系具有几个特点:文化与体态语密不可分; 许多体态语都是文化习得的结果; 人们的体态语的形成和效果往往都由一定的文化环境所决定。因而,在跨文化交际中研究体态语与文化之间的关系最为现实的意义是要解决体态语行为的文化冲突问题,即通过了解某一文化的体态语探寻人们的举止度,知晓一种文化的价值体系,排除狭隘的文化优越感。
Is a rich cultural connotations,the extension of broad concept.Cultural anthropologists believe that culture surface structure,the structure of the middle and deep structure.Surface structure refers to material and cultural,reflecting the relationship between man and nature.Middle-level structure of the system,including culture,to reflect human relationships,is one of the activities of the community and its activities achievements,including the formation of social life in the system,customs and related theories,norms.Deep psychological and cultural structure that reflects its own people,is transforming the subjective world and the activities of all the results,including values,and ways of thinking,morality,religion,national character,aesthetic taste,and so on.Cultural symbolic,body language and sound the same language,culture is the most important symbol system.Body language of the act,a culture of middle-level structure.Body language,a significant part of the study is acquired,from generation to generation,as a social group within the membership total,constitutes a part of the culture of the group.In a sense,the body language of the rich culture of the contents of body language and culture are closely related,it belongs to a code of conduct system,the values of restraint,and cultural values are the core.Body Language is the specific values and the external.Different cultures have different values and behaviour patterns.The same conduct of a social group members is acceptable,and the other members of the culture are not consciously understand and accept.If the Japanese Minzui eat to be appropriate,and the Indians have to mouth Taijue for courtesy; Chinese homosexual Together Lou shoulder or hand-peer means that close and friendly,Westerners are likely to be suspected of homosexuality in Western countries ,A husband and wife can walk side by side in the street in the Arab countries,the wife will not be able to dine with her husband Tongzhuo,even in the streets,only with her husband in the back and to maintain some distance; people like to use all kinds of Italy Gesture to chat,the Japanese are generally maintained a "gentleman's mouth is not moving hands" gesture.That cross-cultural communication,body language in different national culture in both common and have differences.
Body Language / body language:body language
1,body language and cultural relations
In cross-cultural communication,have a clear understanding of body language and the relationship between culture.The vast majority of body language and culture are acquired from generation to generation and acquisition,are long-term historical and cultural accumulation from the habits of a particular community.The relationship between them has several characteristics:Body Language and culture are inseparable; many cultural body language acquisition are the result of people's body language and the formation of certain effects are often determined by the cultural environment.Thus,in cross-cultural communication in the body language and culture study of the relationship between the most realistic significance is to address the body language of cultural conflict,that is,through a culture of understanding of body language to explore people's behavior,a kind of cultural knowledge The value system,rule out the narrow cultural superiority.
2,the body language of English and Chinese cultural differences
Body Language and spoken language,is also the carrier of culture,in cross-cultural communication because of cultural differences and lead to misunderstanding.We conducted cross-cultural body language of research and teaching aims to help foreign exchanges and foreign language learners in cross-cultural communication and foreign language learning body language to exclude acts of interference and cultural differences,the focus should be on cultural differences and cultural Conflict.