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The reason __he explained for __he was late again was not so

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 07:29:57
The reason __he explained for __he was late again was not so believable(填why/which/that)
The reason __he explained for __he was late again was not so
再问: 谢谢你的回答。我还想问一下第二个空为什么不能填which
再答: (1)刚才第一个空说错了。第一个空应该只能填which,因为有“for"(即for which),因此只能填which. (2)The reason (which) he explained for (why) he was late again was not so believable. 这个句子同时也是主语从句,其中”The reason which he explained for (why) he was late again“是主语(主语从句),”was not“是谓语,”believable“是表语,因为主句是主系表结构,因此主句不缺少成分,又因为"which"在句子中只能作主语或宾语,所以不能填which,而应该填why.