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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 16:31:21
解题思路: as...as
在讲到形容词比较级as...as 时,绝大多数讲的都是 as +形容词+ as 结构。例如:
He is as handsome as his brother (is). 他和他哥哥一样英俊。
Judy goes to the movies as often as Sara does. 朱迪像莎拉一样时常去看电影。
Old John goes to sleep as easily as a baby does. 老约翰像婴儿一样容易入睡。
He cannot run so/as fast as you. 他不能有你跑得那么快。
但是,像上面那样的例子多了,就产生一个问题:不少学生都以为as ...as 中间只有形容词。实际上,在 as...as 结构中,还可以有其它的几个句式。
1、 as 形容词+名词 as 句式
这种结构在文章中也很常见,但很多学生不习惯。这里给几个例子,请大家仔细研究一下,提一点请大家注意,就是:形容词后面(包括many/much) 的名词有单数、有复数、有不可数。例如:

This is as good an example as the other is. 这和另外一个一样是个好例子。
He is as nice a boy as Peter (is). 他和彼得一样都是好男孩。
The girls are as busy with their work as bees. 这些女孩子就跟蜜蜂一样忙着工作。
She has as many friends as Mary (does). 她和玛丽一样有许多朋友。
He has as much money as John (does). 他和约翰一样有很多钱。
I can carry as much paper as you can. 你能搬多少纸,我也能搬多少。
2、as many as 与 as much as
这两个比较的意思是“像……一样多”,既可以把它们作为比较级看,也可以把它们看作是一个固定的词组。同样,在 ...many/much... 后面可以插入名词,形成 as...many/much +名词...as 的句式。例如:
(1) 作为固定词组来使用的,相当于“……那么多”。
She has as many as seven sisters. 她的姊妹有七人之多。
As many as 100 people were killed in the air crash. 这次空难中多达一百人丧生。
I gave the beggar as much as 1,00 yen. 我给了这乞丐整整一百元。
Building costs ran up to as much as $ 20 million. 建筑费用涨到高达两千万。
I have been learning English (for) as long as 15 years. 我学英文已有十五年之久。
He came home as late as two in the morning. 他迟至清晨两点才回家。
I saw your brother as late as last week. 上个礼拜我还看到你哥哥。
The river is as wide as 100 meters. 这条河宽达一百公尺。
I mailed the letter as early as Friday. 我早在星期五就把信寄了。
We walked as far as the railroad station. 我们走到火车站那样远的地方。
(2) 作为比较级来使用的,后面可以插入名词,意思是“……一样”。
To eat too much is as much a bad thing as to eat nothing. 吃太多和什么都不吃同样是坏事。
He is as much a member of the orchestra as Tom. 他和汤姆同样是管弦乐队的成员。
Comets are just as much members of the sun’s family as (are) the other planets. 彗星和其他的行星同样是太阳家族的成员。
3、as...as one can(could) / as...as possilbe / as ... as ... can be
这几个结构意思差不多,都表示“尽可能”的意思。 例如:
(1) as..can
Take as much exercise as you can. 尽可能多做运动。
Be as careful as you can. 尽可能小心。
You should be as careful as you can in making friends. 在交朋友方面,你应该尽可能小心。
To speak English fluently, you had better read as many English articles as you can.
We had better learn by heart as many sentence patterns as we can. 我们最好尽可能多背句型。
I will try to save as much as I can. 我会设法尽可能多储蓄。
(2) as..could
Our teacher explained the lesson to us as clearly as he could.
She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could.
I looked down the road as far as I could. 我尽可能遥望这条路。
(3) as...as can be
His failure is as plain as plain can be. 他的失败是再明白不过了。
He is as handsome as (handsome) can be. 他潇洒极了。
She is as kind as can be. 她极为和颜悦色。
Mary is as hardworking as can be. 玛丽在班上之用功不输任何人。
He may not be so clever as Peter, but he is as industrious as can be. 他也许不如彼得聪明,但却用功极了。
as plain as plain can be(再明白不过了)
as wise as wise can be(再聪明不过了)
as white as white can be(白得不能再白了)
as wrong as wrong can be(错得太离谱)
4、as ... as ever
as ever 可以当成一个词组,意思是“与以往一样”。例如:
He seems to be as busy as ever. 他似乎和往常一样忙碌。
He works as hard as ever. 他和往常一样努力工作。
She was as beautiful as ever after so many years. 过了那么多年,她美丽如故。