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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 00:26:09
One day a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to manage time.He gave such an interesting example that his students would never __31 .
He put a wide-mouth jar (罐子,坛子) on the table.Then he ____32 some rocks and carefully placed them into the jar ,one at a time .When __33__ rocks would fit inside,he _34__ ,” Is this jar full?“
Every one in class shouted,“ Yes.” “ Really?” the teacher pulled out a bag of small stones.He put _35__ small stones in and shook the jar .The small stones went __36__ into the spaces between the big rocks.He then asked the group _37__,“Is this jar full?”
“ Probably not,” one of them answered.“Good” He brought out a box of sand and 38_ some sand on the jar and it went between the rocks and small stones.Again he asked the _39___question,“ Is this jar full ”
“ No!” the class shouted.Once more the teacher said,“Good.” He poured a cup of water into the jar __40___ it was full.Then he asked “What is the point here ” One student 41___ his hand and said,“The point is ,___42__ busy you are ,if you try really hard you can always put more things in.”
“ No,” the teacher replied ,“that’s not the _43_ .What I want to tell you is that if you don’t put the big rocks in first,you will never get others in at all._44 are the ‘big rocks’ in your life Time with your friends,your education or your dreams Remember to put the __45__ in first or you will never get others in at all .”
一天一个老师对他的一组学生说明如何管理时间.他举了个让学生们不会忘记的有趣例子.(31 答案 估计就是forget).
他把一个开口的罐子放在桌子上.然后拿出一些石头小心地放入其中,(32估计是took)当石头都在罐子里放好以后 他问(34 asked)这个罐子满了吗?
班级里的每个人都回答 是的.“真的吗”这个老师拿出一小包小石块并把一些(35估计是some)小石头放进罐子里并摇了摇.这些小石头进入大石头之间的空隙里(36估计什么都不填)然后他又一次(37估计again)问他的学生么 “这个罐子满了嘛”
“没有”学生们回答 “很好”老师又一次称赞道.他把一杯水倒入罐子里直到(40是until)充满了罐子.然后他问道“这里面的道理是什么”一个学生举起手(41估计是raised)说,“道理是无论(42估计however)多么的忙 如果你肯认真的尝试你总是能干更多的事情”
“NO”老师回答说 “那不是这个道理(43point)我所想要告诉你们的事如果你不把这些大石块首先放进去,你永远不会把其他的也放入其中.什么(44估计是what)在你的生活中是那些‘大的石块’?和朋友在一起的时光、你的学习或梦想?记住把你最重要的(45估计是big rocks)放在第一位否则你将一无所有”