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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 15:00:32
形容词 副词
(A)1.构成:①单音节词一般情况 加er, est clever-cleverer-cleverest;②以字母e结尾 加r, st nice-nicer-nicest; ③重读闭音节、末尾只有一个辅音字母时 双写加er, est big-bigger-biggest;④以辅音字母加y结尾 变y为i加er, est early-earlier-earliest ;⑤部分双音节和多音节词 在词前加more, most slowly-more slowly-most slowly
2.不规则变化:good/well-better-best many/much-more-most far-farther-farthest bad/badly/ill-worse-worst little-less-least
1.as … as … 和...一样(中间用原级) 2.not as(so) … as 和...不一样
3… than …. ..比...(用比较级) 4.有范围修饰的用最高级 如:in, of, among或用从句修饰的 ⑴Winter is the coldest season of the year. ⑵This is the best film that I have ever seen . 5.比较级+and+比较级 意为“越来越…. wetter and wetter ,more and more beautiful 6. The+比较级,the+比较级 越…...就越…... The more, the better. 越多越好
1.形容词最高级前要用the,副词最高级前可省略. 2.可用much, a little, even, far等修饰比较级. 3.在比较级中为了避免重复,在than后常用one,that,those等词来替代前面提到过的名词.The weather here is warmer than that of Shanghai.
He is taller than any other student in his class. =He is the tallest (student)in his class. 2.This film is less interesting than that one. =This film isn't as interesting as that one. =That film is more interesting than this one. 3. I prefer maths to English. =I like maths better than English.

多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词.a dirty old brown shirt
大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词.但 friendly, lovely,lonely, lively仍为形容词.
.副词修饰动词、形容词或其它副词位置 注意副词enough要放在形容词的后面,形容词enough放在名词前后都可.
.区别几组易混淆的词: ①也 too, also , either ② 已经 already ,yet ③不再 no (not any) longer 从时间上讲 no (not any) more 从动作上讲 ④这样 such ,so ⑤单独、独自 alone 作表语 =by oneself 孤独的 lonely 可作表语、定语 ⑥ill , sick
1 I have_____to do today.
A.anything important B.something important
C.important nothing D.important something
2 ———Is chemistry more difficult than physics?
———No,chemistry isn’t as____as physics.
A.easy B.difficult C.easier D.moredifficult
3.Beijing is becoming_________and__.
A more beautiful,more B.beautiful,beautiful
C.more,more beautiful D.more beautiful,more beautiful
答案C比较级+and+比较级,表示“越来越…”,多音节的形容词“more and more+形容词”.
4.______ children there are in a family,_____their life will be.
A.The less,the better B.The fewer,the better C.Fewer,richer D.More,poorer
5.The experiment was ________ easier than we had expected.
A.more B.muchmore C.much D.moremuch
答案C much可修饰比较级,easier本身已是比较级,不能再用more.
6 Oct 15th was one of ________ days in 2003.The Shenzhou-V was sent up successfully.
A.exciting B.more exciting C.the most exciting D.much exciting
答案C根据“one of+最高级+复数名词”固定句型应选C.
7.It’s seven o’clock in the afternoon,but they are ______ having a meeting.
A already B.still C.yet D.ever
8.Remember not to speak _______ when we are in the reading room.
A.fast B.slowly C.politely D.loudly
9.“______ has this food store been in business?”
“Since 2001.”
A.How long B.How often C.How old D.How soon
答案A“since+过去时间点”为“从过去的某一时间到现在”,表示一段时间,故选“how long”.
10.———What was the weather like yesterday?
———It was terrible.It rained so ___ that people could _________ go out.
A.hardly…hard B.hardly…hardly C.hard…hardly D.hard…hard
What a ____ cough!You seem_____ill.
A.terrible,terribly B.terribly,terrible
C.terrible,terrible D.terribly,terribly
2.I feel even_____now.
A.bad B.well C.worse D.worst
3.She was very happy. She ran_____of all the runners.
A.fastest B.the quickest C.slowest D.quickly
4.Keep quiet,please. It’s_____noisy here.
A.many too B.too many C.much too D.too much
5.———Have you _____ spoken to a foreigner? ———No,_____.
A.already,never B.ever,never
C.yet,already D.ever,ever
6.He is taller than_________in his class.
A.any boy B.any C.any other boy D.some other boys
7.I’ll go and visit you ____ next week.
A.sometime B.sometimes C.some times D.some time
8.The car is running________.It seems to be flying.
A.more and faster B.more and fast
C.fast and fast D.faster and faster
9.English is as _____ as Chinese.You should learn it well.
A.important B.more important
C.the most important D.much more important
10.Music is not so useful as science.It’s ________ useful than science. A.fewer B.less C more D.a lot
11.We’ve never heard of_____story before.
A.such a strange B.such strange
C.so a strange D.so strange
12.You must wear glasses.They can keep your eyes______.
A.soft B.safe C.safely D.safety
13.Pass my glasses to me,Jack.I can_____read the words in the newspaper.
A.hardly B.really C clearly D.rather
14.Three years _______,he become a driver.
A.late B.later C.lately D.more lately
15.He is ______ enough to carry the heavy box..
A.stronger B.much stronger C.strong D.the strongest
16.I bought _____ exercise-books with____money.
A.a few,a few B.a few,a little C.a little,a few D.a little,a little
17.The box is _____ heavy for the girl____carry.
A.too,to B.to,too C.so,that D.no,to
18.Do you have ____ to tell us?
A.something new B.new something
C.anything new D.new anything
19.———Do you think the fish tastes_______?
———She cooked it______,Ithink.
A good,good B well,good
C well,well D good,well
20.She played the piano_____than we had thought.
A.successful B.successfully
C.more successful D.more successfully
1-5:ACACB6-10:CADAB 11-15:ABABC16-20:BACDD