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英语小短文带翻译.. 初一的饿.. 50词以内!谢谢

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 21:44:35
英语小短文带翻译.. 初一的饿.. 50词以内!谢谢
初一的饿.. 50词以内!谢谢词越少越好! 但是别太少了!恩.就这样!10篇哦!
英语小短文带翻译.. 初一的饿.. 50词以内!谢谢
Today my friend and I are taking a walk.suddenly, we are seeing a boy sit on the chair,he is crying,we go and ask him.“what’s the matter with you” he tell us“I can’t find my dog can you help me”.“yes,I can”.And we help him find his dong .oh it stay under
the big tree!
今天我和我的朋友一起去散步.突然我们看见一个男孩坐在椅子上,他哭的很伤心.我们走过去问他:“你怎么了”.他告诉我们:“我的狗不见了,你们能帮我找到它吗”.“是的,我们能帮你找到你的狗”然后我们帮助他找到了他的狗,原来是它呆在一棵大树下.KNOWLEDGE IS POWER 知识就是力量   If we have no knowledge, we cannot succeed in doing any work. Why? Because knowledge is power. With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes. We can send messages by telegram. We can talk with our friends by telephone.  As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation. She (It) needs us very much. If we do not make efforts to acquire knowledge, how can we render service to her (it)?  如果我们没有知识,我们就不能做成功任何事情.为什么?因为知识就是力量.冯藉知识我们征服了大自然,并且发明了轮船,火车与飞机.我们能用电报传递消息.我们能用电话和朋友谈话.  如众所周知,我们学生都是国家未来的主人翁.她非常需要我们.如果我们不努力去获得知识,将来如何来报效她呢? CHOOSING FRIENDS 选择朋友  A man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly derive benefit from them. Why? Because there are more false friends than real ones in this world. To have one real friends is better than a hundred false ones. Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends.  We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart. On the other hand, we should do our best to a void keeping company with bad people.  一个小心选择朋友的人一定会从他们那里获得益处.为什么?因为在这个世界里假朋友比真朋友要多.有一个真朋友要比有一百个假朋友来得好.凡是当面奉承你的朋友不是真朋友.  我们必须和凡是具有良好品格和心地善良的人交朋友.反过来说,我们应尽力避免结交坏人THRIFT 节俭  There is not a (no) thrifty man but becomes a rich man sooner or later. Why? Because he will not spend such money as is unnecessary. Little by little his money will accumulate. Ten to one, he is bound to make a fortune.I do not like such men as spend their money in a wrong way. They do not know extravagance is a bad thing. It can only make them happy for the time being. In short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor.  没有一个节俭的人迟早不成为一个富翁.为什么?因为他决不花像那种不必要的钱.渐渐他的钱就会  聚积起来.十之八九,他一定会发财的.我不喜欢那种乱花钱的人.他们不知道奢侈是一件坏事.它只能够使他们暂时快乐而已.总而言之,节俭使穷人变富,奢侈使富人变穷PERSEVERANCE 毅力/坚忍  Needless to say, nothing but perseverance can lead a man to the way of success. In other words, a persevering man never does his work without succeeding in it. This is indeed unchangeable truth.Our National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, is the most ideal example. He was devoted to the revolution about forty years. He met with many failures, but he was anything but discouraged. As a result, he won. The Republic of China was born.  不需说,只有毅力才能引导人迈向成功之途.换句话说,一个具有毅力的人做工作终是(never...without)会把它做成功的.这真是不易之定理也.我们国父孙中山先生是一个最理想的例了.致力国民革命凡四十年.他遭遇到许多次的失败,但是他决不灰心.结果,他赢了.中华民国诞生了.WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY 有志者事竟成   The secret of success (The key to success) is not so much money as a strong will. A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit. In other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win (get) the final victory, he will never succeed in his life. He is no more than a failure.It is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing (nothing difficult) in the world. if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly accomplish your end. That stands to reason.  成功的要诀不是金钱而是一个坚强的意志(用not so mush... as).一个大人物是一个具有坚强意志和不屈不挠精神的人.换句话说,如果一个人没有坚强意志去获得最后胜利的人,他终其一生永远不会成功.他只不过是(用no more than)一个失败者.很显明的世界上并没有难事.如果你下定决心去做它,你一定会达到目的.那是显而易见的.DUTIES OF A STUDENT 学生的责任  Education is the very thing that we want to receive. Our parents send us to school so as to enable us to get (obtain) knowledge and achieve great things in the future. The following are the duties of a student (which) we should keep in mind.  In the first place, we should be filial to our parents and respectful to our teacher.  In the second place, we have to (must )study as hard as we can.  In the third place, we must not tell lies.  Last of all, we must not criticize others.  To sum up, the above-mentioned rules are the very duties of a student.  教育就是我们要接受的东西.我们父母送我们上学以便能使人们获得知识与将来成大事.下面是我们应该记住的学生的责任.  我们应对父母要孝顺,对老师要尊敬.  我们要尽可能的用功读书.  我们切不可说谎.  最后,我们不要批评别人.  总而言之,上面所说的规则就是我们应尽的责任.