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英语翻译"Avoid the rush-hours" must be the slogan of large citie

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 06:49:35
"Avoid the rush-hours" must be the slogan of large cities the world over.Wherever you go,especiail at week-ends or on holidays,you' 11 find that the trains are packed,streets crowded,buses queued,restaurant tables shared.MoreOver,the smallest unforeseeh event like a power-cut,an exceptionally heavy snowfall or rainfall can bring about conditions of utter inconvenience and chaos.
City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life.They lose touch with nature and all the simple,good things of life like sunshine and fresh air at a premium.Tall buildings block out the sun.Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere,The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise-never stops.
The funny thing about it all in a large modern city is,that you pay dearly for tht "privilege" of living.The demand for accommodation is so great that it is often impossible for ordinary people to buy a house/flat of their own.Furthermore,the cost of living is very high.Just about everything you buy is likely to be more expensive than it would be in the country.
In addition,city-dwellers live under constant threat.The crime rate in most cities is very high.Houses are often burgled.Cities breed crime and violence and are full of places you would be afraid to visit at night.If you think about it,they are not really fit to live in at all.Can anyone really doubt that the country is what man was born for and where he truly belongs?
不管你去到哪儿,特别是周末和假日, 你会发现火车满满的(都是人), 街道很拥挤, 公共汽车在排着长队, 餐馆满员. 更多的是,那些象电源突然毫无预兆的断掉,预料之外的雨雪都会引起交通不畅和混乱.居民在环境的驱使下过着非正常的生活.他们远离了所有原始而简单的生活和那些象阳光以及清新的空气等好东西. 高大的建筑遮住了阳光,交通废气污染了空气,川流不息的交通和噪音永不停歇.
更可笑的是,在现代化的大都市里, 你得为“生存特权”而付出昂贵的代价. 住房的需求量很大,以至于对普通老百姓来说, 要买一套自己的房子简直是天方夜谈. 除此之外, 城市的基本生活费非常高,所有的物品在城市里的价钱远比在乡村里的要高很多.
另外,城市居民活在持续的恐慌里.大部分城市的犯罪率都很高, 房屋经常被盗.城市孕育了罪恶和暴力, 晚上很多地方你都不敢去游览. 如果你这样想:并不是所有的生活都是这样的. 那么真正有人会怀疑城市是人的生活和归属地吗?