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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:47:41
Arnel Laparan grew up in Rosario. After his father died in 1970, five-year-old Arnel had to work in a small shop to help his family. The boy insisted on going to school and his mother finally sent him to a nearby public school. “I was happy to study but my life became harder because I had to wake up earlier to do all my jobs before I went to school,” says Arnel. Worn down by all the work, he was ready to give up by the time he reached the fifth grade. Then his teacher’s words changed his life and made him study harder.
Arnel finished high school at the top of his class, received a scholarship (奖学金) from the Philippine Normal University in Manila and got a degree in education in 1985. He took a job teaching math at a Manila private school and did volunteer teaching at the school’s adult class in the evening. “The adults were from poor families and had to work when they were very young,” he explains. “It was touching to see how they tried to get a high school education at their age.”
As time passed, he realized that helping needy students was his true calling. In 2004 he left his well-paid job and returned to Rosario. “My goal was to educate street children for free.” He began holding classes under a large tree. Slowly, more and more street children became interested in his teaching. “I taught them the basics of reading, writing and math,” says Arnel. He worked harder, walking to nearby villages, where he would give classes in parks or on playgrounds. To make ends meet, he began teaching children from rich families.
In June this year Arnel borrowed a bicycle with a large sidecar from a neighbour. The sidecar holds a small wooden desk, textbooks and school supplies, and a blackboard set to the front bears Arnel’s words: “Education can be found anywhere. It is a road to progress.”
The bicycle allows Arnel to visit faraway areas. He sets up an outdoor classroom and invites teenagers to his class three days a week. Many of the children have been out of school for years. Arnel also offers adult education to help out-of-school young people learn high school lessons. He does not receive any money but accepts school supplies and food for the students. He says, “I want to bring education to as many children and adults as possible. Everyone should have a chance.”
Arnel Laparan在Rosario长大.1970年他的父亲去世后,5岁的Arnel不得不到一家小商店工作以贴补家用.在他的执意要求下,他母亲最终送他上了附近的一所公立学校.“我很高兴能上学,但我的生活却更艰苦了,因为我必须更早就起床,在上学之前把我所有的工作做完.” Arnel说.被繁重的工作所累,他在五年级的时候准备退学了.之后他老师的话改变了他的生活,使他学习更加勤奋了.