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肉质品种的沙门氏菌的检验 要英文的 最好是杂志文章

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肉质品种的沙门氏菌的检验 要英文的 最好是杂志文章
肉质品种的沙门氏菌的检验 要英文的 最好是杂志文章
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Outbreak of Salmonella Serotype Typhimurium
Infection Associated with Eating Raw Ground
MMWR. 1995;U:905-909
1 figure omitted
DESPITE previously publicized out¬
breaks of illness associated with and rec¬
ommendations to avoid eating undercooked
meat, some persons continue to
eat undercooked or raw meat. This re¬
port summarizes the investigation of an
outbreak of Salmonella serotype Typhimurium
gastrointestinal illness in
Wisconsin associated with eating con¬
taminated raw ground beef during the
1994 winter holiday season.
On December 29, 1994, physicians in
a group medical practice in Dodge
County (1994 estimated population:
79 360), Wisconsin, reported to the Pub¬
lic Health Unit of the Dodge County
Human Services and Health Department
(DCHSHD) that during December 27-
29 they had treated 17 patients with
acute gastrointestinal illness character¬
ized by diarrhea and abdominal cramps.
At least 14 patients reported having
eaten raw ground beef that was either
plain or seasoned with onions and an
herb mix during the 72 hours before
illness onset. Stool samples for culture
were obtained from 11 patients; Salmo¬
nella serotype Typhimurium that did
not ferment tartrate was isolated from
seven specimens. Based on these reports
and findings, the DCHSHD issued a phy¬
sician alert and press release that en¬
couraged affected residents to report
their illnesses and physicians to obtain
stool cultures from case-patients. In ad¬
dition, DCHSHD and the Bureau of Pub¬
lic Health, Wisconsin Division of Health
(WDOH), initiated an investigation of
this outbreak. A probable case of Sal¬
monella infection was defined as diar¬
rhea or abdominal cramps with onset
during December 22, 1994-January 4,
1995, in a resident ofor a visitor to Dodge
County or any of the four contiguous
counties. A confirmed case was defined
as a stool culture positive for tartratenegative
Salmonella Typhimurium.
DCHSHD and WDOH identified 107
confirmed and 51 probable case-patients;
ofthese, 17 (16%) were hospitalized. Pre¬
dominant manifestations of illness in¬
cluded diarrhea (98%), abdominal cramps
(88%), chills (77%), body aches (71%),
fever (65%), nausea (60%), and bloody
stools (43%). The ages of ill persons
ranged from 2 years to 90 years; 62%
were male.
To assess potential risk factors for
illness, DCHSHD andWDOH conducted
a case-control study including 40 casepatients
who were randomly selected
from the persons with a stool specimen
culture positive for tartrate-negative
Salmonella Typhimurium and 40 con¬
trols who were identified by random tele¬
phone digit dialing. The mean ages of
cases and controls were similar (43 years
for cases; 47 years for controls). Of 40
case-patients, 35 (88%) reported having
eaten raw ground beef during Decem¬
ber 22-January 4, compared with eight
(20%) of40 controls (odds ratio [OR]=28;
95% confidence interval [CI]=7-117).
Among the 35 who ate raw ground beef,
34 (97%) had purchased the beef from
one butcher shop, compared with three
(37%) of the eight controls (OR=56; 95%
CI=4-1881). Knowledge of previous re¬
ports of outbreaks related to eating raw
or undercooked beef was less among ill
persons than among controls (26 [65%]
of 40 case-patients compared with 30
[75%] of 40 controls [OR=0.6; 95%
CI=0.2-1.8]). However, 22 (85%) of the
26 case-patients who reported being
aware of previous outbreaks associated
with consumption of raw ground beef
continued this behavior compared with
seven (23%) of the 30 controls with knowl¬
edge of previous outbreaks (OR=18.1;
95% CI=4.0-92.0).
DCHSHD and WDOH obtained from
case-patients six leftover samples ofraw
ground beef that had been purchased at
the butcher shop on five dates during
December 21-29 and served in different
homes. These samples were cultured for
Salmonella sp.; all grew tartrate-negative
Salmonella Typhimurium. On De¬
cember 30, 1994, staffofthe Meat Safety
and Inspection Bureau (MSIB), Wiscon¬
sin Department of Agriculture, Trade,
and Consumer Protection (WDATCP),
informed the proprietor of the butcher
shop of a potential problem with con¬
sumption of raw ground beef from the
shop and the need to properly label meat
products. During the winter holiday sea¬
son, the butcher shop sold both seasoned
and unseasoned raw ground beef that
had a warning label regarding safe han¬
dling of poultry. On January 2, 1995,
inspectors from MSIB examined sani¬
tary conditions in the butcher shop, ob¬
tained invoices indicating the origin and
the quantity of the meat used to prepare
the ground beef, and inspected the raw
ground beef production method and sell¬
ing practice in the butcher shop.
Meat from approximately 35 carcasses
obtained from three different suppliers
had been ground in the shop from De¬
cember 21 through January 4. Leftover
product was reported to have been dis¬
carded each day and not carried over for
sale the next day. All parts of the meat
grinder except for the auger housing
were disassembled and individually
cleaned and sanitized at the end of each
day. This type of grinder allowed easy
disassembly of the auger and other
smaller parts; the auger housing was
attached to the grinder with nuts and
bolts and required a wrench for removal.
However, the cleaning staff had not re¬
ceived instructions regarding removal
of the auger housing and had cleaned
only surfaces of the tunnel-like space for
the auger with a brush.
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Meat remnants were present in the
auger housing when the grinder was
disassembled. Twenty environmental
swabs of the equipment and the areas
related to the production of the ground
beefwere obtained for bacterial culture;
all were negative for Salmonella sp.
Stool specimens obtained from all five
butchers at the shop were cultured; one
was positive for tartrate-negative Sal¬
monella Typhimurium. Although this
butcher denied illness, he had eaten raw
ground beef at the shop during the out¬
break interval.
Reported by: PA Frazak, MPH, Public Health Unit,
Dodge County Human Svcs and Health Dept; JJ
Kazmierczak, DVM, ME Proctor, PhD, JP Davis, MD,
State Epidemiologist for Communicable Diseases, Bur
of Public Health, Wisconsin Div of Health; J Larson, R
Loerke, Meat Safety and Inspection Bur, Wisconsin
Dept of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection.
Div of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Cen¬
ter for Infectious Diseases; Div of Field Epidemiology,
Epidemiology Program Office, CDC.
CDC Editorial Note: The investigation
ofthis outbreak implicated consumption
of contaminated raw ground beef as the
source of Salmonella infection. Inad¬
equate cleaning and sanitization of the
meat grinder probably resulted in on¬
going contamination ofground beef over
many production days. The outbreak oc¬
curred during the winter holiday sea¬
son, and some patients reported that
consumption of raw ground beef during
these holidays was a practice brought
from Europe by their ancestors. The
decline of cases after the holidays may
have occurred because ground beeffrom
the implicated butcher shop was no
longer consumed raw or because the
grinder was cleaned more thoroughly
after WDATCP personnel spoke with
the proprietor of the butcher shop on
December 30. The five persons who be¬
came ill but did not report eating raw
ground beef may not have remembered
eating the raw ground beef, may have
eaten undercooked ground beef or food
that was contaminated from the raw
ground beef, or may have become ill
through person-to-person transmission.
Raw ground beef previously has been
implicated as a vehicle for transmission
oiSalmonella,12 and undercooked ground
beef is the most frequently recognized
vehicle for Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in¬
fection.3 The prevalence of Salmonella
in beef ranges from 1% for raw beef car¬
casses4 to 5%-7% for ground beef (U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Food Safety
and Inspection Service, unpublished data,
1994). Prevention measures include warn¬
ing consumers of the health risks asso¬
ciated with eating raw ground beef and
encouraging them to thoroughly cook
ground beef and to adhere to safe
foodhandling guidelines. Safe cooking and
handling labels on raw or partially cooked
meat and poultry are now required by
the U.S. Department of Agriculture
However, the presence of safe
foodhandling labels does not ensure ad¬
herence to safe practices. For example,
an investigation of risk factors for spo¬
radic E. coli 0157:H7 infection indicated
that of 43 food preparers who reported
reading the safe foodhandling label on
meat packages, 33 (77%) admitted to
practices specifically discouraged on the
The investigation in Dodge County un¬
derscores that knowledge of health risks
is not consistently associated with desir¬
able changes in behavior. Despite public
health warnings and publicity about re¬
lated outbreaks, some consumers in
Dodge County and elsewhere have con¬
tinued to eat raw or undercooked foods of
animal origin. For example, a telephone
survey of a national sample of adults con¬
ducted by the Center for Food Safety
and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), during December
1992-February 1993 indicated that 53%
consumed raw eggs; 23%, undercooked
hamburgers; 17%, raw clams or oysters;
8%, raw sushi or ceviche; and 5%, steak
tartare (raw hamburger meat).6
Consumer advisories can be more ef¬
fective if targeted to specific cultural or
ethnic groups with such high-risk di¬
etary practices, and WDATCP is plan¬
ning two press releases this winter holi¬
day period to warn consumers of the
risks associated with eating raw ground
In addition to consumer advisories,
interventions to reduce the risks asso¬
ciated with the consumption of ground
beef include the needs for (1) producers
of ground beef to emphasize employee
education and training on the recom¬
mended methods of cleaning and sani¬
tizing meat-grinding equipment; (2)
manufacturers to design meat-grinding
equipment that is easily accessible for
cleaning and sanitization; and (3) state
regulatory and inspection authorities to
adopt and enforce FDA's Food Code
model requirements, which offer spe¬
cific recommendations for handling,
cooking, and storing raw meat; cleaning
and sanitizing equipment and utensils;
designing and constructing equipment;
and advising consumers about the risks
associated with consumption of raw or
undercooked food of animal origin.7 The
USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Ser¬
vice also has proposed changes in the
meat and poultry inspection system to
improve assessment and control of microbial
pathogens in raw meat and poul¬
try.8 Consumers can obtain more infor¬
mation on safe meat handling from the
USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline (tele¬
phone [800] 535-4555).
1. Fontaine RE, Arnon S, Martin WT, et al. Raw hamburger:
an interstate common source of human salmonellosis.
Am J Epidemiol 1978;107:36-45.
2. CDC. Salmonella Typhimurium\p=m-\Minnesota,Wisconsin,
Michigan. MMWR 1972;21:411 416.
3. Griffin PM. Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other enterohemorrhagic
Escherichia coli. In: Blaser MJ,
Smith PD, Ravdin JI, Greenberg HG, Guerrant RL,
eds. Infections of the gastrointestinal tract. New York:
Raven Press, Ltd, 1995.
4. Food Safety and Inspection Service, US Department
of Agriculture. Nationwide beef microbiological baseline data collection program: steers and heifers
(October 1992-September 1993). Washington, DC: US
Department of Agriculture, January 1994.
5. Mead PS, Finelli L, Spitalny K, et al. Risk factors for
sporadic infection with Escherichia coli O157:H7 [Abstract].
In: 44th Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service
Conference, March 27-31, 1995. Atlanta, Georgia: US
Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Service, CDC, 1995.
6. Klontz KC, Timbo B, Fein S, Levy A. Prevalence of
selected food consumption and preparation behaviors
associated with increased risks of food-borne disease.
Journal of Food Protection 1995;58:927-30.
7. Public Health Service. Food code, 1995. Washington,
DC: US Department of Health and Human Services,
Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration,
8. Food Safety and Inspection Service, US Department ofAgriculture. Pathogen reduction: hazard analysis and
critical control point (HACCP) systems; proposed rule.
Federal Register 1995;60:6774-889.
Update: Influenza Activity\p=m-\UnitedStates,
1995-96 Season
MMWR. 1996;U:937-939
INFLUENZA activity in the United
States increased steadily from late Oc¬
tober through mid-December 1995. This
report summarizes influenza surveillance
data from October 1 through December
16, 1995.
During October 1-December 16, influ¬
enza viruses were isolated in 45 states
and the District of Columbia. Of the 296
influenza virus isolates reported by World
Health Organization (WHO) collaborat¬
ing laboratories in the United States, 293
(99.9%) were type A and three (0.1%)
were type B. Of the type A isolates, 140
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