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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/13 05:24:11
sphinx 坐落在开罗西南的吉萨大金字塔近旁,是埃及著名古迹,与金字塔同为古埃及文明最有代表性的遗迹.像高21米,长57米,耳朵就有2米长.除了前伸达15米的狮爪是用大石块镶砌外,整座像是在一块含有贝壳之类杂质的巨石上雕成.面部是古埃及第四王朝法老(即国王)海夫拉的脸型.相传公元前2611年,海夫拉到此巡视自己的陵墓——海夫拉金字塔工程时,吩咐为自己雕凿石像.工匠别出心裁地雕凿了一头狮身,而以这位法老的面像作为狮子的头.在古埃及,狮子是力量的象征,狮身人面像实际上是古埃及法老的写照.雕像坐西向东,蹲伏在哈夫拉的陵墓旁.由于它状如希腊神话中的人面怪物斯芬克斯,西方人因此以“斯芬克斯”称呼它.
A famous historical site in Egypt, Sphinx is situated at the southwest of Cairo,next to the Great Pyramid of Giza. These two sites are top representitives for ancient Egyptian civilization. Sphinx has a height of 21 meters, a length of 57 meters, and a 2-meter-long ear. The entire statue is carved on a huge stone mixed with shell except its 15-meter front-extending lion talon inlayed.The face of the Great Sphinx is believed to be the head of the pharaoh Khafra,King of the fourth Dynasty in ancient Egypt. It is said that in 2611BC, Khafra went to inspect his mausoleum, Pyramid Khapfra and asked for a statue carved as himself.The artisan unconventionally carved a lion body, but made lion's head as pharaoh's face.In ancient Egypt, lion is the symbol of power.Actually the statue of lion-body-and-human-face is a portrayal of Egyptian pharaoh.The statue sites at west and faces east,crouching besides the mausoleum of Khapfra. As it looks like a monster Sphinx in Greek mythology, western person calls it "Sphinx". Originally Sphinx wears a imperial crown on head, a saint snake relief on forehead, long beard in the jaw and necklace of its neck. However after millemium years of blowing,raining,drying and burying, the crown and necklace dispeared.The saint snake relief is selected under the statue in 1818 by an English-Italian Kaffilia and has given to the Great Britain museum. Its beard cracked into several parts, two of which are saved in Egyptian museum, and one in Britain museum(now given back to Egypt).Sphinx's nose lost a large part, which is said wiped out by the Napoleon soldier invading Egypt.However it was just a rumor.Actually it was squashed in Middle Ages by Islam Sufi pilgrimage.Experiencing 4000 years, Sphinx has troubles all over.It is tattered and torned, especially its neck and chest.In October,1981,the stone of the its left leg slided and formed a hole which is 2 meters wide and 3 meters long.In February, 1988, two huge stones of its right shoulder fell down,one of the stone mounted 2000 kilograms.