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英语翻译Alice was twenty-three years old and she was a nurse at

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 02:37:24
Alice was twenty-three years old and she was a nurse at a big hospital.She was very kind and all of her patients liked her very much.
One day she was out shopping she saw an old woman the woman was waiting to cross a buysy street alice wanted to cross the street,too.So she went over to help the woman cross the street.When Alice was near her.she suddenly laughed and said "Mrs.Green!You were my patient in hospital lasy year."
Mrs.Green was very happy to see her.
"I will help you cross the street,Mrs.Green,"Alice said
"Oh,thand you very much,Alice," Mrs.Green said and she stepped forward."NO.no.Mrs.Green," Alice said quickly."Wait!The light is still red."
"Oh,Mrs.Green answered when she stepped back."I can easily cross the street by myself when the light is green."
英语翻译Alice was twenty-three years old and she was a nurse at
艾丽斯是23岁,而她是一名护士,在大医院.她很亲切,她的所有病人非常喜欢她.有一天她逛街,她看见一个老女人等候过一个繁忙的街,爱丽丝也想要过街.于是她走到跟前,帮助她过街.当爱丽丝接近她.她突然笑了,说:" 格林太太!你们是我去年在医院的病人." 格林太太很高兴见到她."我会帮你过街,格林太太 ,"爱丽丝说:"哦,艾丽斯," 格林太太说,她快步往前走去." 不,不,格林太太,"爱丽丝忙说."等一下!现在仍是红灯." "哦,格林太太边回答边往后退." 当绿灯亮时我可以自己很容易地穿过街道."