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英语翻译用中文又写了篇文章 (其实之前有发问过 翻译过) 可是那只是大网而已 这次是完整版的文章希望有会英语的可以尽量帮

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 11:17:24
用中文又写了篇文章 (其实之前有发问过 翻译过) 可是那只是大网而已 这次是完整版的文章
希望有会英语的可以尽量帮我翻成简单二要的 句子 不必要太艰深 我的英文 节录英文句子的地方不必翻
婴儿猝死症的发生高峰期在12个月的宝宝身上,年纪越小的宝宝,熟睡时不容易对外界刺激做出敏捷反应,且婴儿平均到4个月大以後,颈部才会较为硬挺、能稳定将头抬起呈90度,在此之前若在睡梦中被周遭的枕头、棉被、衣物等不慎掩住口鼻,即可能使宝宝面临猝死的危险.(Patricia L.Jackson Allen,MS,RN,PNP,FAAN Primary CareApproaches ) 最好的睡觉姿势是让他们确定孩子的睡觉姿势是让他们采仰睡姿这种睡觉姿势可以预防婴儿猝死症的发生或者可以确保他们的脸是安全朝上的
< Mothers should avoid smoke exposure during pregnancyand
after birth because maternal smoking has been associated with
an increased risk of SIDS> (Patricia L.Jackson Allen,MS,RN,PNP,FAAN Primary Care Approaches )
确保没有菸味之後才回去尽量避免身上有烟味和避免让孩子们待的环境有烟味 提供给婴儿们一个安全舒适的环境不要有吸菸或毒品的环境让婴儿远离他们这样可以大大的降低猝死的机率
因为有时室内温度太高或太低会导致婴儿的身体温度太热或太冷也或者因为不适应温度而造成他们死亡.< SIDS increases in coldweather because parents want to use more blankers to keep their child warm atnight> 从这一点我们可以看出过度保护孩子不是一件好事因为,孩子会因为不适应温度而窒息闷死尤其是在寒冷的冬天里为了避免这样的情况发生我们能做的方式有要确定假如是在室内的话要确定室内温度不要太冷也不要太热,要适中,如果你觉得室内温度是可以的话那代表这温度对婴儿是可以接受的,要让婴儿感觉到舒适和温暖足够让他们安心睡好觉,
英语翻译用中文又写了篇文章 (其实之前有发问过 翻译过) 可是那只是大网而已 这次是完整版的文章希望有会英语的可以尽量帮
I believe many people have heard or seen news report about the baby because of some reasons and sudden death news or have experienced similar things may be some people will feel very strange why baby It is without rhyme or reason. on sudden death. Exactly how to prevent symptoms occur? If the baby where there is a chancesudden infant death syndrome occurs even in their own home or hospital are very likely to occur sudden infant death. Imagine one day you and always let the children take a nap after you entered the room to wake himbecause he should wake up to the same as usual but you see he suddenly discovered that he no longerbreathing, you to accept such a thing? The most sad than hard pregnant in October parents, we can not see yourbaby grow up, even also immersed in the joy of for infants, but suddenly the baby because of sudden infant death syndrome and death, holds that people can not accept. What is the reason of sudden infant death syndromeoccurred in infants sudden death is what? This article will study the effect of sudden infant death syndromesymptoms and I believe there are several important factors that may affect the baby Health and gradually lead todeath
The first is sleeping posture problems, because of the incorrect sleeping posture such as face down to sleep andcause choking death
Sudden infant death syndrome occurrence peak at 12 months of the baby body, the younger the baby, sleep is not easy to make quick response to outside stimuli, and the average baby to 4 months later, the neck is stiff, can stabilize will raise your head 90 degrees before then if, in their sleep by the surrounding pillows, quilts, clothescarelessly cover your mouth and nose, which may make the baby faced the risk of sudden death. < infantsshould be placed only ontheir backs for sleep to decrease the incidence of SIDS and other sleep foreverysleep''> (Patricia L. Jackson Allen, MS, RN, PNP, FAAN Primary CareApproaches) the best sleeping position is to let them determine the children sleeping posture is to let them supine sleeping the sleep posture can prevent sudden infant death the occurrence of disease or can ensure they face is safety upward
In addition to select safe mattress firm to the baby sleep don't let the baby to sleep in the soft pillow and so on the above items and try not to let the baby and the mother or other people sleep with the bed avoid being pinnedasphyxia
Let the children sleep in their own crib
Smoking environment problem
The baby should not just smoking smoking adult or pregnant mother in bed.
Some of the mother or other family members may have smoking habit and sometimes they didn't pay attention to put babies just smoked tobacco bed or smoke environment, because smoking plus because the baby's resistance is weak so cause breathing problems of death
< Mothers should avoid smoke exposure during pregnancyand
After birth because maternal smoking has been associated with
An increased risk of SIDS> (Patricia L. Jackson Allen, MS, RN, PNP, FAAN Primary Care Approaches)
The best way is to let the mother or other family members should try to quit smoking habits because of long-termcare for children to itself and the health of the child is not good
If really no way it is if there is a smoking to keep away from children's environment and smoked cigarette afterpumping
After ensuring that no smoke to go back as far as possible to avoid who smoke and avoid to let the children stayenvironmental smoke give babies a safe and comfortable environment don't smoking or drug environment let the baby away from them which can greatly reduce the likelihood of death
The indoor temperature problem
Because sometimes the indoor temperature is too high or too low will cause the baby's body temperature is too hot or too cold or because does not adapt the temperature caused their death. < SIDS increases in coldweatherbecause parents want to use more blankers to keep their child warm atnight> from this we can see that the excessive protection of children is not a good thing because children will not meet, because temperature and suffocate suffocate especially in cold winter, in order to avoid such situations, we can do is to determine if it is in the interior of the words to determine the indoor temperature not too cold nor too hot, should be moderate, if you feel that the indoor temperature is possible that represents this temperature is acceptable to the baby, let thebaby feel warm and comfortable enough to allow them to sleep good sleep,
英语翻译用中文又写了篇文章 (其实之前有发问过 翻译过) 可是那只是大网而已 这次是完整版的文章希望有会英语的可以尽量帮 英语翻译这部分是结尾部分用中文又写了篇文章 (其实之前有发问过 翻译过) 可是那只是大网而已 这次是完整版的文章希望有会 英语翻译之前有发问过 但几乎给的都是翻译软体翻的 而且不通顺希望是真的会英语的人 帮我翻 通顺 而且文法对的句子请会英文 英语翻译我一直没有仔细研究过怎样很好的翻译长的英语句子,每次都只是知道个大概而已,我可能会去考笔译,可是这样 应该会是过 英语高手请进·帮我翻译·谢谢上次那篇文章是我根据学的知识写的,很庆幸你能看懂.可是这次的文章有点长有难,所以我不会自己写 part2 所以用中文写了篇文章 希望有会英文的帮忙翻一下 禁止翻译软体 谢谢 他会是他找的替代品吗鱼男是我得上司 我喜欢他好久了 可是他有女朋友 所以我也只能默默喜欢而已 可是他对我也是很好 这次过 英语翻译全文翻译,准确一点,我打的这句话是要你们翻译的那篇文章的第一句话,后面有很多,我没有写,就是希望学过这篇文章的童 英语翻译之前在微信上看到过的,现在找不到了,是一段英文,翻译成中文,只是翻译出很多,有绝句,有律诗,有文言文,反正诗词歌 其实我真的爱过 只是你没真的注意过我而已 英文怎么写 英语翻译我其实是会翻译的,只是个别语句翻译出来感觉有点不对,希望哪位精通英文的人帮我准确又恰当地翻译一下,翻译够好的话还 英语翻译1有没有告诉过你,其实我很在乎你2不是不在乎,只是在乎了又怎样?3我爱你,不是说说而4我想你,不是念念而已