作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

求100个像"a piece of cake" “washed up"这样的英语

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 17:25:56
求100个像"a piece of cake" “washed up"这样的英语
我要的是那种不能光看表面意思、它实际上是有另一个意思的英语......就像a piece of cake 字面意思是一片蛋糕 可它的真正意思是“小菜一碟”......我要这种......
1. At
be good at 精通于
be annoyed at 对……烦恼
be angry at 对 (事) ……发怒
(take) aim at 瞄准
laugh at 因……而发笑
stare at 盯着看,凝视
at the best 充其量
at first 开始
at large 自由地
at least 至少,起码
at length 最后,终于
at once 立即,马上
at present 现在
at rest 休息,静止不动
at times 间或,有时
2. About
careful about 小心
particular about 对……讲究
careless about 粗心
doubtful about 对……怀疑
sure about 肯定
concerned about 担心
a complaint about 抱怨,叫屈
bring about 导致,引起
care about 关心,介意
leave about 乱放,乱扔
fuss about 大惊小怪
anxious about 担心,想念
3. Against
fight against 反对
immune against 免除……
vote against 投票反对
protect … against 保护……免受
stand against 反对,经受住
an accusation against 控制,谴责
a prejudice against 偏见,万岁
guard against 防护
protest against 反对,抗议
rise against 起来反抗
run against 对……不利,违反
strive against 和……斗争
a defence against 防护,保卫
a protest against 抗议,反对
4. By
abide by 遵守
pull … by 拉住
by mistake 弄错,失误
by virtue of 靠,由于
by means of 使用
by aid of 借助于
by way of 经由
by force 以武力,强迫地
by marriage 联姻而产生的
5. For
competent for 胜任
for good 永远
for the sake of 为……缘故
for the better 好转
for the purpose of 为……目的
for a change 改变一下
for the time being 暂时
for fear of 免得
an affection for 爱,爱情
application for 申请
(make) preparation for 为……作准备
blame for 责怪,责备
cause for 理由
readiness for 为……准备就绪
an occasion for 时机,机会
contempt for 轻蔑,藐视
a demand for 需要,需求
evidence for 证据,根据
a fondness for 喜欢
a reason for 理由,原因
a respect for 尊敬,尊重
a search for 搜寻,找寻
6. From
differ from 与……不同,相异
dismiss … from 解雇,使……离职
infer … from 从……推论出
prevent … from 阻止,防碍
protect … from 保护……以免
resign from 辞职
suffer from 受……之苦
tell … from 把……与……区分开来
from a distance 从远处,远远地
from the heart 诚心诚意地
from the first 从一开始
assist in 帮助做某事
consist in 在于
engage in 从事,参与
give in 让步,妥协
specialize in 专攻,专门研究
take in 欺骗,收容
belief in 信仰,相信
a delight in 以……为乐
an expert in 专家,能手
in fact 事实上
in the event of 万一
in one's opinion 据……见解
in bloom 开着花
in the direction of 朝……方向
in comparison with 与……比较
in possession of 拥有,占有
in view of 由于,考虑到
in any event 无论如何
in the course of 在……过程中
in short 简言之
believe in 信仰,信赖
end in 以……告终
excel in (在某方面)突出地好
invest … in 在……投资
succeed in 在……方面获得成功
participate in 参加
confidence in 信任,相信
difficulty in 困难,困境
pleasure in 高兴
a rise in 上涨,增长
(there is no) point in (做某事没)有意义
There's no harm in 不妨
a specialist in 专家
an interest in 兴趣,关心
participation in 参加
trouble in 苦恼,麻烦
interested in 对……感兴趣
fortunate in 有幸
constant in 对……持久
lacking in 缺乏
expert in 在……熟练
confident in 信任
in time 及时
in the interest of 为了……利益
8. Into
argue … into 说服……做
frighten … into 恐吓……做
plunge into 投身于
run into 碰见
turn … into 把……变成
divide … into 把……分成
translate … into 把……翻译成
force … into 迫使……做
crash into 撞到……上
burst into 突然开始,爆发出
burst into 闯入
inquire into 调查
reason … into 说服……做
talk … into 说服……做
trick … into 诱骗……做
deceive … into 欺骗……去做
pull into 到达,开进
cut into 减轻,减少
change … into 把……变成
break into 突然闯入
9. Of
worthy of 值得
tired 厌倦
considerate of 体贴
aware of 知道
conscious of 认识到
proud of 骄傲
composed of 由……组成
certain of 确信
regardless of 不管
fond of 喜爱
cautious of 小心
innocent of 清白,无罪
approve of 赞成,批准
consist of 由……组成
inform … of 通知
rob … of 抢劫
convince … of 使……确信
deprive … of 剥夺,使……丧失
dispose of 处理
suspect … of 怀疑
guilty of 犯罪
ignorant of 忽视
accuse … of 控告(某人)
assure … of 使……确信
hear of 听说
remind … of 使想起,提醒
smell of 有……气味
cure … of 治愈……病
die of 死于
speak of 谈到,提及
10. To
access to 进入,通道
attention to 注意
exposure to 暴露
injury to 损伤,伤害
an objection to 反对
dedication to 献身,热爱
resistance to 阻力,抵抗
similarity to 类似,相似
similar to 相似,相同
indifferent to 不在乎
equal to 等于
devoted to 献身于
contrary to 违反,相反
adapt to 使习惯
amount to 相当于,等于
confess to 承认
owe … to 把……归功于
report to 报到
stick to 坚持
to a certain extent 在一定程度上
to one's satisfaction 使……满意
to the utmost 尽力
an attitude to 态度
(attach) importance to 重视
a limit 限制
contribution to 贡献,捐助
a disgrace to 耻辱
a response to 反应,响应
a visit to 访问,拜访
relevant to 对……有关
inferior to 比……下等
grateful to 感激
insensitive to 迟钝
parellel to 平行
add to 增加,加强
belong to 属于
lead to 导致
prefer to 宁可,更喜欢
sentence … to 宣判
turn to 求助于
to one's liking 合……胃口
to one's face 当面
to one's benefit 对……有益
to one's taste 合……胃口
再问: 这个貌似不是那种吧......我要的是那种不能光看表面意思、它实际上是有另一个意思的英语......a piece of cake 字面意思是一片蛋糕 可它的真正意思是小菜一碟......我要这种......
再答: 这应该属于不易翻译的词组,我收集了 ,这边有限制字数,发不了那么多内容,你留个E-mail给我,我发给你哦
再问: 1076148550@qq.com
再答: 已发送,请查收。