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He thinks that a computer is( )useful friend.A.a B.an C.the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 12:23:37
He thinks that a computer is( )useful friend.A.a B.an C.the D/
My watch is out of fashn,but( )is in fashion.A.his B.her C.many D.it's
Millie has two friends.One is from USAand( )is from Japan.A.another B.other C.the other D.others
There( )an English exam tomorrow morning,is there?A.will be B.won't be C.is going to be D.isn't going to be
He thinks that a computer is( )useful friend.A.a B.an C.the
He thinks that a computer is ( A) useful friend.
A.a B.an C.the D/
解析:friend 可数,useful的第一个读音不是元音,故选A.
My watch is out of fashn,but( A )is in fashion.A.his B.her C.many D.it's解析:这里只有 his = his watch.
Millie has two friends.One is from USA and( C)is from Japan.A.another B.other C.the other D.others解析:the other 指的是两者中的另一个.
There( D )an English exam tomorrow morning,is there?A.will be B.won't be C.is going to be D.isn't going to be
解析:根据反义疑问句来选择. 再答: 第二题只能填名词性物主代词,除了A,B、C都是形容词性物主代词,D 的话,句子就会有两个主语,并且和But 的意思相悖。 最后一题,后肯前就要否,不懂请追问。
再问: 最后一题我选C的
再答: 你看看反义疑问句是否定的,前面应该用肯定的。懂吗?
再答: 我打错了,反义疑问句是肯定的,前面要用否定的
再问: 可是后面的is there不是否定的吗?
再答: is there 是肯定的,加not 才是否定啊!