作业帮 > 综合 > 作业

英语翻译We are wri ting to al ert you that yo ur balanc e is not

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 12:28:31
We are wri ting to al ert you that yo ur balanc e is not pa id,bec ause your
credit/ dibit ca rd c ompany decli ned eBay 's att empt to c harge y our monthl y
invoice amou nt to you r cre dit/debit card.
You r paym ent is due by you r ne xt inv oice d ate.
To sp eed up th is p rocess,you are requir ed to pla ce other cr edir/debit
agai nst the ac count registr ation da ta we hav e on file by follo wing the l ink belo w.
Place or update credit/debit card on file.
As a courtesy,eB ay wil l automatica lly ma ke a se cond at tempt to char ge
y our c ard.T his attem pt wi ll ta ke plac e in abou t 3 to 5 busin ess days .
As a remin der,p ast due accou nts may be restric ted fro m buyin g or
se lling until pay ment is r eceived.
Regar ds,
eBa y Billi ng Depar tment
英语翻译We are wri ting to al ert you that yo ur balanc e is not