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Let's smile to life(演讲稿)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 04:03:32
Let's smile to life(演讲稿)
一篇英文演讲稿,标题Let's smile to life,要求200字以上,带翻译更好
Let's smile to life(演讲稿)
☆ 比赛演讲稿   Smile for life  First,ladies and gentlemen,please look at my face.Do you know what I’m doing?Yes,quite right,I’m smiling.  I like smiling,because it makes me more confident and more popular.  Don’t you think it important?  Can you imagine a world without smiles?Can you bear seeing sad faces here and there?What a gloomy world it would without smiles!  But people sometimes overlook the importance of smiling since it is so simple.It seems that people are always in such a hurry for their own business that they complain a lot about the lack of happiness in life and some people even want to be Harry Porter to learn the magic spell of happiness.  Now and here I should that,ladies and gentlemen,every one of us knows exactly well what the spell actually is and the spell is so simple and just at hand.What is it?That’s smile.  Smile is such a magic spell.It is a kind of emotional contact.It makes strangers becomes friends.It makes parents and children understand each other better and it makes the love between lovers deeper.  Smile is such a magic spell.It’s also a kind of encouragement.It makes people feel warm in ice and snow.It gives thirsty people power to walk on in a dessert.It makes cowards become brave and it makes people see hope in desperate situations.  So please remember ‘Smile & make your life brighter’ and smile for life.Every time you smile you give yourself a perfect chance to enjoy life.Every time you smile,you bring the brilliant sunshine to the whole world around you as well as to yourself.  Nike tells us Just do it.So I will say:Just smile it.  为生活微笑  首先,女士们、先生们,请注意看我的脸.你们知道我在干什么吗?对,很正确,我在微笑.  我喜欢微笑.因为它可以使我看上去更自信、更受人欢迎.  难道你们不认为微笑很重要吗?  你能想象一个没有微笑的世界吗?你能忍受整天看着一张张悲哀的脸四处游荡吗?没有微笑的世界将是多么阴郁!  但是人们有时会忽略微笑的重要,因为它太平凡了.人们似乎总是陷在一阵为各自工作而忙碌的慌乱之中而时常抱怨生活中缺少欢乐.甚至还有些人希望成为哈利��波特,学会欢乐的魔咒.  女士们、先生们,现在在这里我要告诉你们的是:“其实我们每一个人都十分清楚欢乐魔咒的真正内容,而且咒语本身也是普通至极、唾手可得.是什么?那就是微笑.  微笑就是这样一条神奇的咒语.它可以使陌生人成为朋友,它可以使父母和子女互相理解,它也可以使恋人之间的爱情更加深厚.  微笑就是这样一条神奇的咒语.它还是一种鼓舞与激励.它让冰雪中艰难求索的人感到温暖;它给沙漠中干渴将死的人以继续前进的力量;它让懦夫变的勇敢;它让人们在绝望中看到希望的曙光.  所以请记住:“微笑让你的生活更美好”并为生活微笑吧!每一微笑都会给你一个享受生活的绝佳良机;每一次微笑都会给你和全世界带来灿烂的阳光!  让我们模仿着NIKE的广告语说:“Just smile it!”