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关于西藏文化介绍英文的 字数不要太长400个单词左右中文翻译也要

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 22:54:19
英文的 字数不要太长400个单词左右
关于西藏文化介绍英文的 字数不要太长400个单词左右中文翻译也要
过去四十年来,西藏取得了很大进展,在发扬优良方面的传统文化,同时保持西藏文化特性,这是揭示突出在以下几个方面:第一,主体的藏族文化,这是垄断少数封建农奴主在过去,已经彻底改变,整个藏族人民已成为主体共同继承和发展藏族文化和分享其成果;第二,西藏文化经历了深刻的变化, ,与社会进步与发展,腐朽落后的东西所固有的封建农奴制已被抛弃,宗教信仰藏族信徒享有充分的尊重和保护,并罚款方面,西藏传统文化已经被仔细保存和发扬光大.改进一直在稳步取得在其内容和形式,增加了一些专题内容,以反映新生活的人民和新的需求,社会发展;第三,一个实质性的转变已经发生发展的立场藏族文化,从自我封闭,停滞和萎缩的情况,以新的姿态-的立场,开放和发展面向现代化,外面的世界.虽然发展中国家和促进其传统文化,西藏也发展现代的科学和技术教育和新闻传播以前所未有的速度.
它值得认真反思的是,尽管藏族文化的不断发展,达赖集团的鼓噪世界各地的“西藏文化灭绝” ,并以此为借口,是煽动反中国的意见,支持国际拮抗剂力量.从40多年的历史后,西藏民主改革,可以清楚地看到这是达赖集团的目标是只不过是阻碍了真正的发展藏族文化.
首先,作为一种社会意识形态,文化差异与变化,其他地方的社会,经济基础和上层建筑.的形成和发展,现代西方文化是分不开的现代欧洲资产阶级革命中,专制制度的封建农奴制和政教合一的中世纪被淘汰,随着宗教的改革和巨大变化,思想和文化领域所造成的它.发展西藏的文化在过去40年,更已取得的过程中同样伟大的社会变革的标志是消除封建农奴制下的政教合一的黑暗,甚至比欧洲系统在中世纪.消除了封建农奴制度,文化特色的旧制度,西藏文化是垄断,由少数农奴主,必然成为“灭绝” ,并因此被旧的文化专制制度的特点和神权统治整个社会政治生活的宗教,这是一个必然结果双方的历史和文化发展的西藏.因为没有这种“灭绝” ,就不可能解放和发展西藏的社会和文化,普通藏族人民将无法获得正确的掌握和分享成果的西藏的文化发展,就不可能为他们享有真正的自由,因为他们的宗教信仰将不被视为个人事务.然而,这种“灭绝” ,是致命的达赖集团,主要代表的封建农奴制,它的灭绝意味着他们的文化统治.因此,这并不奇怪所有,他们鼓噪的“灭绝西藏传统文化. ”
第二,文化的发展从来不是孤立地实现,它必将获得新的内容和形式不断与时代的进步和发展的社会,滋养和丰富自己,同时适应和吸收其他文化.发展西藏的文化在过去40年,更已取得了就是西藏社会逐步摆脱愚昧落后,走向改革开放和现代化建设,而西藏的文化和现代文明包括现代西方文明,是的相互融合和吸收其他.人们的思维方式和思想观念也必然发生变化的转变生产方式和生活在西藏.在此过程中,一些新的问题是文化中不包含的西藏传统文化是必不可少的,但在现代文明已经制定,如现代科技教育和新闻传播.的优秀文化传统的藏族特色正在开展和推动着在新的时代,和腐朽落后的东西在传统的文化,不适应社会发展和人民生活正在逐步筛选出.这是一种自然现象,符合法律规定的文化发展,体现了不断繁荣和发展藏族文化在新的形势下.要侈谈的“灭绝西藏文化” ,因为其收购的新内容和新时代的进步和发展的实质是要求现代西藏人民保持生活方式和文化价值的旧西藏的封建农奴制的全完好无损.这完全是荒谬的,因为它违背了潮流,时代进步的根本利益,对西藏人民.
Over the past four decades and more, Tibet has made much headway in carrying forward the fine aspects of its traditional culture, while maintaining Tibetan cultural traits, which is revealed prominently in the following aspects: First, the main body of Tibetan culture, which was monopolized by a small handful of feudal serf-owners in the past, has been changed completely, and the entire Tibetan people have become the main body jointly carrying forward and developing Tibetan culture and sharing its fruits; second, Tibetan culture has undergone deep changes--with social progress and development, decadent and backward things inherent in feudal serfdom have been abandoned, the religious beliefs of Tibetan religious followers enjoy full respect and protection, and the fine aspects of traditional Tibetan culture have been carefully preserved and carried forward. Improvement has been steadily made both in its contents and forms, adding some topical contents to reflect the new life of the people and the new needs of social development; and third, a substantive shift has taken place in the development stance of Tibetan culture, from the self-enclosed, stagnating and shrinking situation to a new stance--the stance of opening-up and development oriented to modernization and the outside world. While developing and promoting its traditional culture, Tibet is also developing modern scientific and technological education and news dissemination at an unprecedented rate.
It deserves careful reflection that, although Tibetan culture is developing continuously, the Dalai Lama clique is clamoring all over the world that "Tibetan culture has become extinct," and, on this pretext, is whipping up anti-China opinions with the backing of international antagonist forces. From the 40-odd years of history following the Democratic Reform in Tibet it can be clearly perceived that what the Dalai clique is aiming at is nothing but hampering the real development of Tibetan culture.
First, as a social ideology, culture varies with the changes in the other parts of the social economic foundation and superstructure. The formation and development of modern Western culture are inseparable from the modern European bourgeois revolution, in which the dictatorial system of feudal serfdom and theocracy in the Middle Ages was eliminated, along with the religious reforms and great changes in the ideological and cultural fields caused by it. The development of Tibetan culture in the last four decades and more has been achieved in the course of the same great social change marked by the elimination of feudal serfdom under theocracy that was even darker than the European system in the Middle Ages. With the elimination of feudal serfdom, the cultural characteristics under the old system, in which Tibetan culture was monopolized by a few serf-owners was bound to become "extinct," and so was the old cultural autocracy marked by theocracy and the domination of the entire spectrum of socio-political life by religion, which was an inevitable outcome of both the historical and cultural development in Tibet. Because without such "extinction," it would be impossible to emancipate and develop Tibetan society and culture, the ordinary Tibetan people would be unable to obtain the right of mastering and sharing the fruits of Tibet's cultural development, and it would be impossible for them to enjoy real freedom, for their religious beliefs would not be regarded as personal affairs. However, such "extinction" was fatal to the Dalai Lama clique, the chief representatives of feudal serfdom, for it meant the extinction of their cultural rule. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that they clamor about the "extinction of traditional Tibetan culture."
Second, the development of a culture has never been achieved in isolation, and it is bound to acquire new contents and forms ceaselessly with the progress of the times and development of the society, and nourish and enrich itself while adapting to and absorbing other cultures. The development of Tibetan culture in the last four decades and more has been achieved while Tibetan society is gradually putting an end to ignorance and backwardness, and heading for reform, opening-up and modernization, and while Tibetan culture and modern civilization, including modern Western civilization, are absorbing and blending with each other. The people's mode of thinking and concepts are bound to change with the changes of the modes of production and life in Tibet. During this process, some new aspects of culture which are not contained in the traditional Tibetan culture but are essential in modern civilization have been developed, such as modern scientific and technological education and news dissemination. The fine cultural traditions with Tibetan features are being carried forward and promoted in the new age, and the decayed and backward things in the traditional culture that are not adapted to social development and people's life are being gradually sifted out. It is a natural phenomenon in conformity with the law of cultural development, and a manifestation of the unceasing prosperity and development of Tibetan culture in the new situation. To prattle about the "extinction of Tibetan culture" due to its acquisition of the new contents of the new age and to its progress and development is in essence to demand that modern Tibetan people keep the life styles and cultural values of old Tibet's feudal serfdom wholly intact. This is completely ridiculous, for it goes against the tide of progress of the times and the fundamental interests of the Tibetan people.
At present, as mankind has marched into the new millennium, economic globalization and informationization in social life are developing rapidly, increasingly changing people's material and cultural lives. With the deepening development of China's reform and opening-up and the modernization drive, especially the practice of the strategy of large-scale development of the western region, Tibet is striding toward modernization and going global with a completely new shape, and new and still greater development will certainly be achieved in Tibetan culture in this process