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英语翻译青年志愿者"一助一"长期结对服务计划.这项计划以孤寡老人、残疾人、生活困难的离退 休人员和下岗职工、特困学生、国

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 19:45:57
青年志愿者"一助一"长期结对服务计划.这项计划以孤寡老人、残疾人、生活困难的离退 休人员和下岗职工、特困学生、国家优抚对象等困难群众为主要服务对象,通过团组织和青年 志愿者组织牵线搭桥,在青年志愿者和服务对象之间建立起长期稳定的关系,为困难群众提供 力所能及的服务和帮助 .青年志愿者扶贫接力计划.这项计划从1996年开始实施,采取公开招募、定期轮换 、长期坚持的接力机制,组织动员青年志愿者为贫困地区提供教育、农业科技推广、医疗卫生 等方面的服务.大中专学生志愿者深入农村基层和受灾地区 ,发挥自身的知识智力优势,开展了内容丰富、形式多样的扫盲和文化、科技、卫生服务 .保护母亲河"中国青年志愿者绿色行动营计划".这项工作以"劳动、交流、学习"为主题,通过组建绿色行动营、建设绿色行动基地,集中组织青年在重点区域开展植树造林、沙漠治理 、水污染整治、清除囱色垃圾等环保志愿服务活动.
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The youth volunteer" one help one" long-term partnership service plan. The plan for the elderly, disabled, difficult life of the retired personnel leave and laid-off workers, poor students, national groups and other difficulties of the masses as the main service targets, the Youth League organizations and youth volunteer organization, matchmaking, the young volunteers service objects and to establish long-term and stable relations, for the difficulties of the masses to provide do everything in one's power. The youth volunteer service and help deficient relay plan. The plan begins to carry out from 1996, take the open recruitment, regular rotation, long-term adherence to a relay mechanism, organization and mobilization of young volunteers for the poverty-stricken areas to provide education, promotion of agricultural science and technology, health and other services. College student volunteers to rural areas and the affected area, to play their own knowledge and intellectual advantages, rich in content, carry out various forms of literacy and culture, science and technology, health services. To protect the mother river" Chinese youth volunteer action green camp". This work was to" labor, exchange, learning" as the theme, through the formation of green camp, build green base of operations, centralized organization of youth in the key area to begin afforestation, desert control, water pollution remediation, removal of chimney of litter and other environmental protection volunteer service activities