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英语翻译这是篇关于《股市》的文章里的一段,翻译好加20.谢啦.Opportunity Present in a Tumu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 00:43:05
Opportunity Present in a Tumultuous Market
For the stout of heart,menacing market downturns present an opportunity to gain,especially as others panic and sell.Impressions from Gene Marcial of Business Week offer sage advice for the investor in August of 2007."This latest round of panic selling presents steeled investors with a unique buying opportunity.Let's be realistic and get a grip.If I were an investor with ample resources,or a money manager who feels besieged by the market's latest tantrum,I would go shopping -- for stocks.Not just any stock.I would buy the market's top losers on Thursday,Aug.9,when the Dow Jones industrial average plummeted 387 points,or 2.8%,to 13,270.65.And now we have the sub prime mortgage woes.If you buy these loss leaders now,you will see them in the big-winners list next year,if not sooner.My point is the stock market should be seen for what it really is:a market of opportunity.If you take such a perspective,you will never panic,whatever is causing people to rush for the exits.That is the herd mentality at work.Be prepared for the market to exhibit extreme behavior.A market that is plunging is an opportunity to buy the stocks you know are solid.When the market is scoring record highs,as it did earlier this year,take profits to build up a reserve fund" (Marcial,2007).Proactive financial advisors know that bear markets are inevitable; counseling their investors to diversify mitigates the impact when the market starts to drop,and alleviates some anxiety of their clients.
英语翻译这是篇关于《股市》的文章里的一段,翻译好加20.谢啦.Opportunity Present in a Tumu
一个坚强的的心,令人恐慌的市场低迷提供了一个获得的机会,尤其是当其他人恐慌和销售时.2007年8月的基因马西亚尔商业周刊(Gene Marcial of Business Week)的报道可以提供给投资者们一些明智的建议.“这最新一轮的恐慌性抛售给投资者提供了唯一的卖出机会从而使投资者更加坚强.让我们现实一些抓住机遇吧.如果我是一个有足够资源的投资者,或一个觉得被市场围困而发脾气的基金经理,我会去购物--买股市.可不是一般的股票.我要购买市场上的最失败者,星期四8月9号,道琼斯工业平均指数暴跌387点,或2.8 % ,至13,270.65 .现在还有我们的次级抵押困境.如果您现在购买这些十损失的股票,你会在明年或不久的大赢家名单里看到他们.我的观点是股票市场应该按他的本质看待:一个市场的机会.如果你采取这种的角度,你永远不会恐慌,即使造成人们匆忙的出口.这是从众心理在起作用.应对市场极端的行为做准备.一个下跌的市场是一个购买你认为稳定的股票的机会.当市场是冲击纪录高点时,像它今年早些时候一样,获得里利润建立储备基金吧“ (马西亚尔,2007年) .积极的财政顾问知道熊市是不可避免的;辅导他们的投资者分散市场开始下降对投资者的影响,并减轻客户的焦虑.