作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 12:31:08
Module 1
1.将来_in the future2.结果 as a result3.山地自行车运动 mountain biking4.出版 come out5.例如 for example/such as6.试图做某事 try to do sth7.整理 tidy up8.同...一样 the same as9.空闲时间 free time10.照顾 look after/take care of 11.收藏扇子 Have a collection of fans/collect fans11.对---感兴趣 Be interested in(doing) sth12.听某人拉小提琴Listen to sb play the violin13.在---的末尾 At the end of 14.做个访谈Give an interview15.占用最大的空间Take up the most space 16.种蔬菜Grow vegetables18.照顾Look after/take care ofn19.一些---其它的Some ---others20.发展你的兴趣Develop your interest(s)21.帮助你学习新技术Help you learn new skills22.花费时间做某事Spend time on/doing sth 23.及,又,而且As well as24.带给你快乐和成功Bring you enjoyment and success25.许多其它事Many other things26.一些不同的事 Some different things/ something different
1.私人问题Personal questions 2.来自Be/come from3.事实上In fact4.几个月之后In a couple of months5.亲密朋友Close friends6.你觉得它怎么样What does it feel like?7.交朋友Make friends8.顺便说一下By the way9.某时Sometime10.有时Sometimes11.等待Wait for12.与---不同Be different from13.现在Right now14.捎个信息Take a message15.好运Good luck16.在初中at junior high school17.(离---)很远far away (from)18. 害怕做某事be afraid to do sth 19. 听见某人(正在)做某事Hear sb do/doing sth20.和某人谈论---- talk to/with sb about sth 21.担心worry about/be worried about22.坐在课桌旁Sit at the desk23.象往常一样as usual 24.在那时At that moment25.回头Turn back26.改变我的生活Change my life 27.交朋友Make friends28.日复一日Make friends29.朝某人笑Smile at sb30.没关系It doesn’t matter31.记得曾经做过某事Remember doing sth32.感到孤单Feel lonely33.发生Take place/happen 34.黑暗的日子The dark days
Module 3
1.请这边走Come this way2.需要做某事Need to do sth3.继续学习Keep studying4.加入我们Join us5.准备天气预报Prepare the weather reports6.进两球Score two goals7.赢得比赛Win the match8.输掉比赛Lose the match9.---的结尾The end of---10.开始做某事Start to do/doing sth11.因为---感谢某人Thank sb for (doing)sth11.带----四处走走Take/show sb around12.别提了Don’t mention it.13.喜欢做某事Like/enjoy doing sth14.记得做某事Remember to do sth15.记得曾经做过某事Remember doing sth16.小心Look out(for)17.停止做某事Stop doing sth18.停下做另一件事Stop to do sth19.最新消息The latest news20.最新消息The latest news21.向下看以---开始look down22.靠近close to23.亲自本人in person24.在---岁的时候at the age of25. 找工作ask for jobs26.了解learn about27. 一周一次 once a week28.关掉close down29. 通过往窗外看by looking out of the window30.准备每周节目Prepare the weekly programme 以什么开始Begin with
Module 4
1.用手机拍照Take photos with amobile phone 2. 挽救你的生命Save your life3. 捡起Pick up4. 咬在他手上Bit him on the hand5. 保持冷静Stay calm6. 给蛇拍张照片Take the photo of a snake7. 打开Turn on 8. 一种A kind of9. 向----借borrow---from10. 把----借给某人Lend ----to11.打开Turn on
12.回放Play back13.通过邮件发送录音Send the recording by eamil14.把---和---连接Connect ---to ---15.按红色键Press the red button16.对他很重要It’s important for him
Module 5
1.其中之一one of ----2.演奏音乐play the music3. 在---的末尾At the end of4.你比我行rather you than me5.在最后的练习当中during the final practice6.击败某人beat sb7.警告某人关于某事warn sb about sth8.把某人送到--- send sb to 9.把某人送走send away10.那是一个很大的遗憾That is such a pity11.拒绝做某事Refuse to do sth11.要求一些建议Ask for advice12.告诉某人不要做某事Tell/warn sb not to do sth13. 出问题 Go wrong14. 犯两个错误Make two mistakes15. 讲出事实真相Tell the truth16. 至少At least17. 主动提出做某事Offer to do something18.零花钱Pocket money19.帮助某人做某事Help sb with/do sth20卸掉 拿走Take off21. 能够做某事Be able to do sth22. 快点Hurry up!23.一起 all together24. 毕竟After all25. 足够的睡眠Enough sleep
Module 6
1.鼓掌和欢呼clap and cheer2. 担心be worried about3. 照顾look after4.在---之间(两者)between5. 在…中间among6. 演得好act well7. 与---面对面face to face with—8. 以我的观点in my opinion9. 除---以外except for10. 出版—发行come out
Module 7
1.建议做… suggest doing sth. 2.(两个人中的)另一个人 the other person3.欢迎来到… welcome to… 4.几乎不 hardly=almost not 5.在街上 in the street/on the street 6.全中国all over China 7.向(远处的)某人喊 shout to sb. 8.向某人嚷嚷(有训斥的意思)shout at sb. 9.绕湖而行 walk around the lake 10.过桥 go across the bridge =cross the bridge 11.爬上塔 climb up to the tower 12.穿过…go through…13.经过 go past 14. 看到…的美景have a great view of 15.在…顶上 at the top of… 16.May Day holyday 五一假期 17.制定计划做…make plans to do sth. 18.度假spend some time off 19.平方公里 square kilometre 20.神奇的地方 a magic land 21.奇形怪状的… the strange shape of…22.听到很响的声音 hear a loud noise 23.乘缆车 take a cable car 23.沿小路走下去 walk down the path 24.从…扯下… pull…off… 25.似乎;好像…as if 26.跳上树 jump up into the trees 26.收拾好;拿开 put away 27.受……欢迎be popular with…
Module 8
1.公共假日 a public holiday 2.特别的事情 anything/something special 3.度假 take a vacation 4.…的开始 the start of… 5.在同一天 on the same date 6.在一个不同的日子 on a different date 7.去野营 go camping 8.结束 be over 9.去海边 go tho the beach 10.开始上课 start classes 11.从…倒数到… count down from… to … 12.聚会 get together 13.许下新年的愿望make New Year’s resolutions 14.遵守诺言 follow the resolutions 15.全世界all over the world 16.一列;一栏 a list of… 17.发誓,承诺做…promise to do sth. 18.依靠;信赖;取决于… depend on 19.出去散步 go out for a walk 20.花(时间/金钱)做某事 spend …(in)doing/on sth. 21.无论如何 It doesn’t matter how= No matter how 22.帮助某人克服困难 help out sb. 23.并非所有 not all... 24.直到学期结束 until the end of term 24.去个新的地方 go somewhere new
1.独自 on one’s own 2.对…来说不坏not bad for…3.如此…以致…so… that…4.避免问题 avoid problems 5.一个仁慈的想法 a very kind thought 6.我敢打赌 I bet…7.新的治疗手段 new treatment 8.医疗工具 medical tools 9.开设医院 open hospitals 10.治疗… give treatment to…11.献身于…的工作 give one’s life to doing sth. 12.中国最有名的英雄之一 one of China’s most famous heroes 13.去前线做… go to the front to do sth. 14.受伤的战士 injured soldiers 15.尽管 in spite of… 16.继续工作 continue working 17.停止做某事stop doing 18.停下来去做某事 stop to do 18.当地人 local people 19.学习…learn about… 20.最后in the end/at last/finally 21.给…动手术 operate on sb.= perform an operation on sb.=do an operation on sb.22.没有 without (doing) sth. 23.挽救…的生命 save one’s life 24.为了 in order to 25.找借口 make excuse 26.个人安危 personal safety 27.不得不 have to 28.盼望 look forward to (doing) sth.
1.送别某人see sb. Off 2.玩的开心 have a fantastic time 3.航班号码 flight number 4.想要 would like 5.我也一样 so would I 6.出错 go wrong 7.担心…;恐怕… be afraid that +句子 8.遇见一些电影明星 meet some film stars 9.所有别的动物 all the other animals 10.一个大型的户外演唱会 a big outdoor pop concert 11.和你们大家待在这里 stay here with you all 12.……航班的旅客们 passengers for flight…13.登机 board a flight 14.去国外 go abroad 15.别忘记… Don’t forget to… 16.旅途平安 have a safe trip 17.保持联系 stay/keep in touch 18.失去联系 lose touch 19.与……取得联系 get in touch with 20.烧几个简单的菜 cook some simple dishes 21.上大学go to college 22.大多数独自生活的青少年 most teenagers living alone 23.装满…用… fill… with…24.满是… full of…25.空空的肚子 an empty stomach 26.得到足够的联系 get enough practice 27.更多要学的 much more to learn 28.一点也不 not…at all… 29.过多依赖父母 depend too much on parents