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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 01:15:37
As a strong sports province of guangdong province for, the level of competitive sports in the national is among the best, especially in sprint and jumping on the project has a clear geographical advantages, sports scores have been among the top in China. But how to keep the advantage projects to improve weaknesses level, which is related to the track and field sports reserve talented person cultivation problems, so high level of guangdong province track and field backup talents base construction is the need to research and solve the problem. The high level of guangdong province of the track and field sports reserve talented person base on the situation of the construction of the thorough investigation, from the track and field sports reserve talented person structure, athletes of culture and present situation, the base of the training service and use three aspects, reflected the high level backup talent base of guangdong province present situation, thus for guangdong track and field the development of supportive talents of real and provide detailed information and related material, in order to further promote the development of Shanghai of the track and field sports to provide theoretical and practical basis. This paper in guangdong province high level track and field backup talents base coaches and athletes as the research object, by using the method of literature, expert interview, questionnaire and mathematical statistics, the comprehensive analysis, comparison method research methods, the high level of guangdong province of the track and field sports reserve talented person base status and related issues to carry on the investigation, the effective data to survey for the analysis and research, and draw the following conclusions: 1 from education and scientific research ability structure to see, China's reserves of track and field training coaches to be further improved. 2 in the venue, equipment, province of high calibre who, basically can satisfy the needs of the training, and most are relatively poor some. Most of the training funds who mainly rely on is superior to allocate funds, who can not meet the training funds of training, contest needs. Three bases in scientific research services, obviously can't satisfy the requirements of modern sports training, compared to the base of the hardware facilities is concerned, base in scientific research facilities, research services and scientific research personnel on the obvious lag phenomenon. 4 most coaches think "high level track and field backup talents base" athlete learning enthusiasm in general. Some athletes do not realize the importance of learning culture, exists to training primarily thought.
英语翻译作为体育强省的广东省来说,其竞技体育水平在全国名列前茅,特别是在短跑与跳跃项目上有着明显的地域优势,运动成绩在国 英语翻译梅州市作为中国最佳生态旅游城市之一,与珠三角及其他发达地区相比有着明显的后发优势.在本文中通过对梅州市的主要经济 怎样才能让自己的成绩在班上名列前茅? 我的成绩在班级名列前茅.英文翻译 (2013•同安区一模)立定跳远是厦门体育中考的项目之一,其运动情形如图所示.使人往上跳跃的施力物体是______;人在 英语翻译求高人翻译,不要在线翻译的结果,简历要急用,德国作为世界强国之一,有着灿烂的西方文化与无可比拟的工业优势.在这里 英语翻译摘要北京作为全国的首都,在殡葬领域的发展名列前茅,在最早的火葬改革方面也是全国的榜样.作为中国殡葬业的代表,北京 ( )他平时学习认真刻苦,( )他的成绩在班上总是名列前茅.(用关联词) 短跑名将博尔特在北京奥运会上创造了100 m和200 m短跑项目的新世界纪录,他的成绩分别是9.69 s和19.30 s 运动快慢通常用速度来描述,为什么运动会竞速项目(如100m短跑)的成绩可以用时间来描述?你的解释是______;在运动会 要求全部过程:一短跑运动员在奥运会上创造了100m和200m短跑项目的好成绩,他的成绩分别是9.70s和19.30s.假 形容在做某件事情上 一部分人有明显优势的成语...