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英语翻译④School learning(标题) Call me Heny.I grew up in Vietnam,w

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 09:30:44
④School learning(标题) Call me Heny.I grew up in Vietnam,where we usually don't ask questions or have much contact with reachers.Rarely will students raise thier hands.Form the day I entered kindergaten and all the way through high school,I just listened and took notes in class.Each eveing it was my responsbility to memorize the dabates,or challenges to the teachers'point of view.The teachers were always right because they were the teachers.When I came to the United States the school system surprised me.My classes were hardly ever quiet.One day we had a discussin on the topic of gun control.Eveyone participated in it.The class atmosphere was exciting and fun.The arguing went on until the end of the class,and everyone seemed to enjoy it.To my surprise the teacher encouraged the discussion and listened to what the students had said.This felt very different to me.The teacher was treating the students like friends,not like in Vietnam where teacher kept distace from the students.From the discussion,I learned a lot.Thingking back on school days in Vietnam,I realized that I wasn't very good at communicating with people ceacause I hadn't had the practice.I could'n even from that day I have been working on expressing my thought in a clear manner so that people can understand what I mean.
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英语翻译④School learning(标题) Call me Heny.I grew up in Vietnam,w
学校学习 叫我亨利.我在越南长大,在那儿我们通常不会问问题或者是和老师有太多的接触,很少有人会举手.从我进入幼儿园一直到高中,我都只是在课上听课和记笔记.每个晚上记住那些辩论或是对老师观点的不同看法是我的责任.老师们总是对的只因为他们是老师.当我来到美国后,学校的体制让我大吃一惊.我的课堂总是很难安静.一天我们在讨论枪支管制的问题.每个人都参与了进来.课堂的气氛兴奋而有趣.争论一直持续到课堂结束并且每个人都好像乐在其中.让我惊讶的是老师们鼓励学生参与讨论并且会倾听学生所说的话.这让我感觉非常不同.这儿的老师对待学生就像朋友一样,根本不像在越南,老师会与学生保持距离.从课堂讨论里面我学到了很多.每当想到在越南上课的日子,我都已是到我并不是很善于与人交流因为我从来就没有练习过.从那天开始,我就一直在练习正确清晰地表达我自己,从而人们能理解我在说什么.