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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 01:39:30
2.赞美策略是一种满足听话人积极面子需求的积极策略,是一种“社交催化剂”.它是利用夸奖、恭维话来满足对方的求荣心理,以引起对方的注意和兴趣的方式.在不同的场合使用恰当的赞美语可以给人们的生活带来愉悦和满足感,促使人际关系变得和谐融洽,起到润滑油的作用.在商务英语信函中,经常夸赞对方是很有必要的,但千万别变成一味奉承、吹捧.即使对方的商誉、产品、技术等方面确实值得赞许,也要注意把握尺度,不可滥用溢美之词.过了头的赞扬、恭维透着虚伪,给人一种言不由衷的感觉,反而显得不礼貌.所以,在写作信函时,既要在遵循礼貌原则( Politeness Principle) 中尽量多赞誉对方的赞誉准则(Approbation Maxim) ,又要做到恰如其分地夸奖对方.下面就是一个在自然而不夸张的语气中透出赞美之情
如果把recommend 该为advise 的话,就会不妥.因为advise 有一种居高临下的涵义,好象非接受我们的建议不可,其实对方接不接受得由自己作主,别人无权干涉.
1.According to Brown and the leiwensen's manner theories,aggressive manner strategy be talk artificial satisfy an obedient person a rightness aggressive face of need but adopt of measure.Aggressive face is hope get other people of affirmation with endorse.Be free from to injure for the aggressive face protected the other party,talk a person to have necessity usage aggressive the manner strategy,by all manners let obedient the person's face get respect.For this,talk the person can pass to cater to an obedient public idea and please obedient person of language of usage,let obedient the person feel oneself of the behavior acquire to talk a person of acknowledgement and praise.The aggressive manner performance in the business letter the main body is four kinds of strategy now:Praise,demonstration human interest,avoid at enmity with with declare relation near.
2.The praise strategy is a kind of to satisfy an obedient person aggressive face need of aggressive strategy is a kind of"the social intercourse catalyst".It is to make use of to cry up,blarney to satisfy the other party to beg glory mental state to cause the other party of attention and interest of way.At situation of dissimilarity the usage is fitting of praise the language can give people of life bring to dulcify with satisfy feeling,urge a social interaction to become harmonious mutually agreeable,there is the function of the lubricant.In the business English letter,usually the great other party have a necessity very much,but never become to flatter,aggrandize persistently.Even the reputation,product,technique of the other party etc.the aspect is definite worthy of endorse,also want to notice confidence dimensions,can't the abuse overflow beautiful of phrase.Overdid to speak favorably,the compliment wear false deeply,give person a kind of speech not from the heart of felling,seem to be ill-mannered on the contrary.So,at the writing letter,since want as far as possible many great standard(the Approbation Maxim) of great the other party in follow the manner principle( the Politeness Principle),want to attain again just like it to cry up the other party separately.The underneath is an in the nature but not the exaggeration of the tone deeply the feeling of[with] praise
3.Chinese very heavy affection,people is mutual concern,mutual comprehend.Be the other party occurrence unfortunate particularly or the disagreeable feeling usually would to the other party expression idea of benignity or sympathize with,and will mean certain of comprehend with fine of wish,this kind of write a letter person to receiver expression concern,comprehend or sympathize with of way we call"demonstration human interest" strategy.
The byword is well said:"The friend of the troubles just is a real friend".The true meaning same of this words way is applicable to the business colleague's to get along with.When friend situation unfortunate,perhaps have no ability is more consolatory than mean profoundly of letter more the ability let person grateful,show manner more.
This is a with suffer lose of the company deliver goods term to carry on negotiate of letter,letter medium expression F the square suffer to the other party of lose of sympathize with and concern,full body now write a letter person full of one side of[with] human interest.
4.Avoid at enmity with in the business letter the writing,main performance is be write a letter person dissimilarity the standpoint of the idea the other party or not wish satisfy the other party of request or claim,to not result in to the other party of direct negation,maintenance the other party of aggressive face,while answer the letter write a letter the person want to avoid keeping Chen dissimilarity of opinion.
If should is an advise the recommend,will be not satisfactory.Because the advise have a kind of connotation for occupy vantage point,good the elephant accept our suggestion not can't,in fact the other party connect and accept is make the decision by the oneself,the other people have no business an interference.
5.The author use indirect mollify misty restriction the language come to mollify the other party back pay of fact.
Special want attention,be both parties' standpoint and can't unify,we want comprehend to combine respect the other party first of standpoint.If the other party of the suggestion is not reasonable perhaps to your blame unjust peacetime,you can argue by reasoning,elucidation your standpoint,but attention want to pay attention to the etiquette manner,avoid use to violate openly sex of language.
6.In the business letter,if write a letter of the person and receiver acquaint with very much,being to write a letter the person is toward the receiver put forward a request a suggestion perhaps,write a letter the person can pass to declare oneself and the other party to have intimate relation,or consider a some suggestion from the position of the other party to deliver toward the other party the feeling of the amity,this kind of way be"declare relation become intimate with" strategy.
7.Usage pass"we",expression write a letter the person treat receiver as an idea of colleague,this kind of goodwill of speech at biggest degree top can maintenance the receiver's face,again can both parties of the in aid of social intercourse realization with each other the purpose of the benefit.