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英语翻译Laboratory Chloride Removal TestCore N_ 7 was obtained 7

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 03:32:25
Laboratory Chloride Removal Test
Core N_ 7 was obtained 7 ft (2.1 m) above high tide.Since this core contained only
approximately 1.2 _C1-/yd3 (0.7 kg/m 3) and still reached the 0.6 A/ft_ (6 A/mz) chloride
removal current density,it was expected that the area to be treated would reach this current
density more quickly if not immediately.
Core Petrographic Analysis
The concrete for core N_ 7 was characterized as a marginally air-entrained concrete (3 to
4 percent) with a 1-in.(2.5 cm) nominal size gravel coarse aggregate and a natural sand.The
coarse aggregate was a siliceous gravel composed of equidimensional,rounded to subrounded,
sedimentary rock pebbles.Approximate modal percentages were 67 percent quartz
arenite and orthoquartzite,23 percent chert,and 10 percent coarse vein quartz.Chert pebbles
were mostly microcrystalline,mottled brown types,with a few fine quartz veinlets.The fine
aggregate in the concrete was a fairly well sorted,dominantly coarse to medium,sub-rounded
to rounded quartz with only an occasional chert or limonite grain.
There was a tight,uninterrupted bond between the aggregate particles and the cement paste
matrix phase.There was no evidence of cement-aggregate reactions.The cement paste phase
was of good quality with an estimated water-cement ratio of 0.40 to 0.45.
The core represented good quality concrete.
Field Site Operation
The initial start-up data were collected and is in Table 3-5.
Twelve hours after start-up,the viton impeller of the pump was found damaged,possibly due
to _nning dry during initial start-up difficulties.Wetting of the blankets was only by tide
water.The impeller was replaced and the pump was restarted.
System Current
The total area of treatment for this trial was 240 fd (24 m2).The treatment area was
comprised of _dl five piles and was treated as a single zone.The total current supplied to the
piles was approximately 80 A or 0.33 AJf-t2 (3.3 A/m 2) concrete.
Maximum system voltage was set at 48 to 50 V.The current was regulated so that the
current to any one anode blanket was not greater than 14.4 A,0.6 A/_ (6 A/m2),the
maximum aUowable chloride removal current density.These currents were monitored with
the shunts in the current distribution box.
英语翻译Laboratory Chloride Removal TestCore N_ 7 was obtained 7