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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 09:25:11
字数在350字左右就行.分4段 简单介绍一下资本主义的systerm 然后说说优点(让有钱人不断富有 让穷人不断变穷 的缺点),最后简单的比较一下资本主义和社会主义的优缺点.最有来段总结就OK,当然中心思想是要围绕资本主义是正确的路线(不是针对中国).谢谢
Capitalism grow up the Origin of Economic Institutions
To the degree that they exist,freedom and the pursuit of material self-interest,operating in a rational cultural environment,are the foundation of all the other institutions of capitalism.And the study of these institutions and their functioning is the substance of the science of economics.
If individuals both possess freedom and,at the same time,rationally desire to improve their lives and well-being,then they have only to use their minds to look at reality,consider the various opportunities that nature and the existence of other people offer them for serving their self-interest,and choose to pursue whichever of the opportunities confronting them they judge best.They can do whatever they judge is most in their self-interest to do,provided only that they do not initiate the use of force against others.
What people do in these circumstances is spontaneously to set about establishing,or extending and reinforcing,all the other institutions,in addition to freedom and limited government,that constitute a capitalist economic system,such as private ownership of the means of production,saving and capital accumulation,exchange and money,division of labor,and the price system.
Thus,in pursuing their rational self-interest under freedom,they appropriate previously unowned land and natural resources from nature and make them into private property and thus privately owned means of production.Private property in products,including capital goods,then follows on the basis of private property in land and natural resources:the owners of land and natural resources own the products that result from them,including those which they use as means of further production.In addition,of course,they can exchange their products with others for services.These others then also own products,including capital goods,and can,of course,obtain land and natural resources from their original owners by means of purchase or,in primitive conditions,barter exchange.
In sum,capitalism,with its economic progress and prosperity,is the economic system of a free society.It is the economic system people achieve if they have freedom and are rational enough to use it to benefit themselves.As I have said,it represents a self-expanded power of human reason to serve human life.