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1,every minute is made full use of__our lesson.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 19:28:21
1,every minute is made full use of__our lesson.
A to study B studying C studied D being studied
2,They found the lecture hard__.
A to understand B to be understood
3.The harder we study,the more questions we think of__
A asking B being asked C to ask D asked
4,The little girl enjoys nothing but__on the Internet
A to chat B chat C chatting D be chatting
5,What do you enjoy__your weekends,fishing or watching TV.
A spending Bto spend C having spent D to have spent
6,__to somebody,an English often shakes hands with the stranger
A On being introduced B To be introduced C Introducing D To introduce
1,every minute is made full use of__our lesson.
1.A 因为此话译为:每分钟都被充分用于学英语,应用动词不定式
2.B 此话应理解为:他们发现这个讲座很难(被)理解..应用不定式的被动语态作宾补
3.C 这句话的意思是:我们学习越努力,我们就想出越多要问的问题.这里用动词不定式作后置定语,修饰questions.
4.C 此句话的意思是:这个小女孩除了喜欢上网聊天外,什么都不喜欢.根据enjoy doing sth.故选C.
5.B 选项前虽然有enjoy ,但不选A,因为这句话的意思是:你喜欢怎么来度过你的周末,钓鱼还是看电视?
6.A 此句是一个独立主格结构,主语是 an English,前面的独立主格结构和它存在被动关系,此句应理解为:当一个英国人被介绍给某人时,他经常和这个陌生人握手.