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英语翻译Originally named the Mid-Autumn Festival,the Moon Festiv

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 12:25:06
Originally named the Mid-Autumn Festival,the Moon Festival is one of the most important holidays celebrated by Chinese communities(社会)around the world.\x0b\x0b     Traditionally,it is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month in observance(庆祝) of the bountiful Autumn harvest.Although old rituals(仪式) are no longer followed,families continue to gather for a day to relax and eat moon cakes.Upon this occasion,the legend of the Moon Goddess,CHANG-O,is often told to children.\x0b\x0b      Once upon a time there was a famous archer(射手),Hou Yi,who with his arrows was able to slay(宰杀) mankind’s worst enemies,ferocious(凶猛的) beasts that inhabited(居住) the earth.Yi was married to Chang-O,a beautiful but inquisitive(好奇的) woman who had been an attendant(侍女) of the queen mother of the west before her marriage.Now at this time,there were 10 suns that took turns circling the earth—one every 10 days.One day,all 10 of the orbs(天体,此指太阳) circled,together,causing the earth’s surface to burn and threatening mankind.The wise emperor of China summoned(召见) Yi and commanded him to kill but one of the suns.This Yi proceeded to do.Upon the completion of his task,Yi was rewarded with a pill,the elixir of life(长生不老药),and advised:"make no haste to swallow this pill,but first prepare yourself with prayer and fasting for a year." Being a wise man,Yi took the pill home and hid it under a rafter(椽) while he began healing his spirit,In the midst of this,Yi was summoned again by the emperor.\x0b\x0b     While her husband was gone,Chang-O noticed a beam of white light beckoning from the rafter.She followed it and a fragrant perfume,discovered the pill and swallowed it.Immediately,Chang-O found she could fly.Just at that moment her husband returned home,realize what had happened and began to reprimand(申斥) his wife.Chang-O flew out the window into the sky.Yi sped after her,bow in hand,and the pursuit continued halfway across the heavens.Finally,Yi had to return to the earth because of the force of the wind.\x0b\x0b     His wife reached the moon and there,breathless(喘不过气来),she coughed and part of the pill fell from her mouth.Now,the hare was already on the moon and Chang-O commanded the animal to take pestle and mortar (杵臼) and pound another pill so that she return to earth and her husband.The hare is still pounding.\x0b\x0b     As for Yi,he built himself a palace in the sun as Yang (the sun and the male principle),Chang-O as Yin (the moon and the female principle).\x0b\x0b     Once a year,on the 15th day of the full moon,Yi visits his wife.That is why the moon is full and beautiful on that night.
英语翻译Originally named the Mid-Autumn Festival,the Moon Festiv
原名中秋节,月亮节是一个最重要的节日庆祝中国社区(社会)世界各地.传统上,这是庆祝第十五天的第八届正月纪念(庆祝)的丰富的秋收.虽然旧仪式(仪式)已不再遵循,家庭继续收集了一天的放松,吃月饼.当此之际,传说月亮女神,嫦娥,往往告诉孩子.很久以前,有一个著名的射箭(射手) ,侯吴仪,谁与他的箭能够杀死(宰杀)人类最坏的敌人,凶猛(凶猛的)动物的居住(居住)地球.易嫁给长啊,一个美丽的,但好奇(好奇的)女人谁是一个服务员(侍女)的西王母面前她结婚.现在,在这个时候,有10个太阳的轮番绕地球每10天.有一天,所有10 orbs (天体,此指太阳)盘旋,同时,造成了地球表面的燃烧,并威胁人类.明智的中国皇帝召见(召见)吴仪和指挥他杀害,但其中一个太阳.这吴仪接着做.当完成任务时,吴仪也得到药丸的仙丹(长生不老药) ,并建议: “让戒急用忍吞下这药丸,但首先自己做好准备与祈祷和禁食一年. ”作为一个智者,彝药了,躲在家里它根据椽(椽) ,而他开始愈合他的精神,在这一,二又被传唤的皇帝.虽然她的丈夫走了,嫦娥发现梁的白光召唤从椽子.随后,她和芬芳的香水,发现了避孕药和它吞噬.紧接着,嫦娥发现她能飞.就在那一刻她的丈夫返回家园,实现发生了什么事情,并开始训斥(申斥)他的妻子.嫦娥飞到窗外天空.吴仪之后,她加快,弓在手,以及追求继续在中途天空.最后,吴仪不得不返回地球,因为该部队的风.他的妻子达成月球和那里,上气不接下气(喘不过气来) ,她咳嗽和部分避孕药从她的嘴里.现在,野兔已经在月球上和嫦娥指挥动物采取杵和迫击炮(杵臼)和英镑另一丸,使她返回地球和她的丈夫.兔子仍然是冲击.至于易,他建立自己的宫殿在阳光下像杨(太阳和男性的原则) ,长澳银(月亮和女性原则) .每年一次,在第15天的满月,吴仪访问他的妻子.这就是为什么月亮是充分和关于这个美丽的夜晚.