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英语翻译3.3 充分应用先进信息技术和物流技术.第三方物流企业是现代服务业的重要组成部分.现代化、信息化是现代服务业的重

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 14:28:49
3.3 充分应用先进信息技术和物流技术.
  3.4 及时调整企业经营战略,适应市场节奏.在当今市场变化越来越快,尤其是对物流影响深远的电子商务的快速发展,对物流的需求出现了一些新特征.电子商务巨大的发展前景,给物流企业指明了发展方向.可以预见,能否抓住服务于电子商务的经济增长点,将是物流企业在未来的竞争中能否取得优势的关键.
3.5 培养综合型人才,提高服务水准.
英语翻译3.3 充分应用先进信息技术和物流技术.第三方物流企业是现代服务业的重要组成部分.现代化、信息化是现代服务业的重
3.3 of the full application of advanced information technology and logistics technology.
The third-party logistics enterprises is an important part of the modern service industry. Modern information technology is an important feature of the modern service industry. Information technology become an integral part of the logistics system, such as bar code (BC), total quality management (TQM), electronic data interchange (EDJ for), management information system (MIS), radio frequency (RF), Geographic Information system (GIS) and Global Positioning system (GPS) has been fully applied in the large third-party logistics enterprises. The application of advanced technology is a powerful means of third-party logistics enterprises to gain an advantage in the brutal competition in the market.
3.4 promptly adjust business strategy to adapt to the rhythm of the market. In today's increasingly rapid changes in the market, especially the rapid development of the far-reaching impact of e-commerce logistics, there are some new features of the demand for logistics. E-commerce tremendous prospects for the development and direction of its development to logistics enterprises. It can be predicted, the ability to seize the points of economic growth in e-commerce will be the key to logistics enterprises the ability to obtain advantage in future competition.
3.5 develop comprehensive talent, improve service levels.
Currently, the logistics industry is both a cross-industry, cross-sectoral industrial complex is a combination of labor-intensive and technology-intensive industry requires not only advanced logistics management talent, but needs a lot of logistics execution type and operating personnel. Coupled with the current e-commerce industry to become an important force in the third-party logistics market, needed both to understand the logistics management, but also know how to e-commerce complex talent. The development of modern logistics industry, we must first strengthen personnel training, the development of academic education, but also the development of non-academic education, vocational training work. For third-party logistics companies, through internal training and human resource development and improve the logistics business knowledge and operational levels of logistics employees, in order to improve the level of logistics management. Can absorb, improved, eliminated, the construction of a comprehensive quality of the workforce.
英语翻译3.3 充分应用先进信息技术和物流技术.第三方物流企业是现代服务业的重要组成部分.现代化、信息化是现代服务业的重 英语翻译物流企业文化是构建物流企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分,能为一个企业的发展带来新的生命活力.然而,由于我过物流行业起 英语翻译发展第三方物流已经是经济全球化的必然趋势。发展第三方物流是企业适应新经济条件下竞争的需要,也对提高 英语翻译现代服务业发展日趋多样化.现代服务业是相对于传统服务业而言,更加适应现代人和现代城市发展的需求,也是产生和发展起 英语翻译随着市场竞争的不断激烈和信息技术的飞速发展,企业为了取得竞争上的优势,正在利用第三方物流的服务,外包第三方物流将 英语翻译运作模式是第三方物流企业为实现物流服务定位而建立的一整套运作体系,适合的运作模式对于第三方物流企业获得稳定的客户 英语翻译中远物流是我国最大的中外合资第三方物流企业,随着市场竞争的加剧,企业纷纷在创新战略、加强增值服务上下功夫.中远集 第三方物流企业的定义? 英语翻译应当大力发展农产品第三方物流.以物流的专业化、高效率、低成本来培育农业新的竞争力和效益增长点.这是进一步推进农业 发展第三方物流对一个企业的意义 如何进行第三方物流企业的质量控制? 英语翻译物流成本核算是物流成本管理的基础,也是当今国际上物流企业成本管理的一个新热点。由于物流成本的界限难以确定,核算方