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英语翻译If you lose 12 times in a row (连续地) will you just give u

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 09:19:33
If you lose 12 times in a row (连续地) will you just give up?Dale Carnegie,a pioneer in public speaking and self-development,kept trying.And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.Carnegie was born in 1888 to a poor farming family in the central United States.The boy didn't see a train until he was 12 years old.In his teens,he had to get up at 3 am every day to milk the cows in his family.When Carnegie first entered college,he felt hopeless because of his clothes and ordinary looks.His mother encouraged him:"Why not try to be better in other things instead of just dress and good looks?"Carnegie tried to be more active in college.He joined the debate team (辩论队).But one after another,he lost 12 meets.The young man was very disappointed in himself.He said later that he thought of killing himself after so many failures.But soon Carnegie was seen practising public speaking on the riverside.His hard work paid off (得到好结果) at last.In 1906,Carnegie won a famous speech contest and became widely known.The young man made his own words come true:"Believe that you will succeed,and you will".In order to share his success,Carnegie opened schools and wrote books.His best-sellers include "How to Win Friends and Influence (影响) People" and "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living".More than 50 million copies of his books have been printed in 38 languages.They are still helping people on the road to success.
英语翻译If you lose 12 times in a row (连续地) will you just give u
如果你连续失败12次你会放弃么?公共演说和自我发展方面的先驱Dale Carnegie从未放弃.他向人们讲述成功之路,并以此出名.Carnegie于1888年出生在美国中部的一个贫困家庭.直到12岁他才看到火车.在十几岁的时候,他不得不每天三点起床挤牛奶.当他刚入大学校门时,他觉得很无助,因为他衣着寒酸,相貌平平.他的母亲鼓励他:为什么不在衣着和相貌之外多些尝试呢.Dale Carnegie开始表现积极.他参加了辩论队,但是他输了12场比较.他对自己很失望.他后来提到自己在失败过这么多次后曾尝试自杀.但是不久后,就有人看到Carnegie就在河边练习公共演说.他的努力有了回报,1906年,他赢得了一个重要的演说比赛并因此知名."相信自己会成功,你终将取得成功."Carnegie办学校写书来分享自己的成功.他的畅销书包括《如何赢得朋友并影响他人》《如何不带焦虑地去谋生》.书的销量超过五千万份,有38种语言版本.现在这些书仍然指引人们通往成功之路.