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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 23:24:01
(1) at / on / in (在)
At ----时刻,年龄,正午,半夜.At noon. At night .at the age of five 在5岁时候.
On ----特定的日期,星期---月---日 on my birthday
In ----年,月,日, 期, 季节,早上, 下午,晚上.
I’ll see her in the afternoon 我下午会和她见面.
I’ll see she on the Sunday afternoon(特定) 我星期日下午会和她见面.
We went to the zoo in July. 我们7月去过动物园.
We went to the zoo on July 3. 我们7月3 日去过动物园.
They arrived in the morning .他们在早上到达.
They arrived on the morning of October10. 他们在10月10日早上到达.
例如4. She is in the age of 11. 她11岁.也可以 Eleven years old .
例如5. My English class begins at eight O’clock.. 我的英文课在8点开始,
时间名词前加Last, next this that 时不可再搭配介系词.
例如1 He’s going to leave next week .他下星期要离开.
例如2. I met him this morning . 我今天上午和他见面了.
(2) before (在~~~~之前) 在某时间之前.
by (在~~~~之前) 动作完成的期限最晚到10点
at exactly 请在10点到达.
例如1. please arrive by not later than O’clock 10. 请最晚10点到达.
Before earlier than 请在10点之前到达.
(3) in (经过~~之后) within(在~~~之内
例如1. 我过几天回来.
I’ll be back in few day .
例如2 他一个小时之内回来.
He will come back within an hour. 也可以用be back
(4) for (持续)during (在~期间)
for ----表示动作或状态持续的时间长度.
During -----表示在某段时间当中
例如1. they ‘ll stay for few days . 他们会停留几天.
例如2.I’ll take him to that place during his stay. 在他停留期间我会带他去那个地方.
(5) from 从~~ /since从~~
from -----表示动作开始的时间点,常用于现在时,过去时,未来时
since -----表示动作从过去的某时间开始.持续到现在,常用于现在完成时.
例如1. He work from Monday to Friday.他工作从星期一到星期五.
例如2. I have been busy since yesterday. 我从昨天就很忙.

(1) at/ in
at ---表示确切的地点.
例如1. The train stopped at taipei station . 火车停在台北车站.
例如2. this book is published in paris 这本书在巴黎出版.
In + 都市名,国家.
On + 街名.
At + 门牌号码.
例如1. He lives in taipei 他住在台北.
On Roosevenlt Road. 他住在罗斯福路
At 75 Roosevelt Road. 罗斯福路75号.
(2) On , above, Over (在~~~上)/ under , below(在~~下)
On 表示一样东西只接触一样东西的部分表面.
Above - - 表示不接触而高于某表面 也可用 Over
Under 为 over 的相反词, below 为above 的相反词
above Over
below Under
例如1. there is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书.
look at the picture on the wall, 看墙上的画.
There are several flies on the ceiling t天花板上有几只苍蝇.
例如2. She held an umberella over( =above) her daughter’s head. 她拿着把伞在她女儿头上.
例如3. He spread a cloth over the table. 他在餐桌上铺了一块桌布.
例如4. The basketball is under the chair . 篮球在椅子底下.
例如5. There is usually a supermarket below a department store. 在百货店底下通常是超市.
(3) between , among (在~之间)
Between --- 在两者之间.
例如1. Mr white sat btween his wife and daughter.怀特先生坐在他和他的女儿之间.
例如2. She failed to find his littke brother among the crowd .她未能在人群中找到他的小弟弟.
(4) near (在附近),by(在~~旁),beside(在~~旁),around(在~四周)
By –表示前后,左右的位置关系.
Beside –表示左右的位置关系,
例如1. there is a good restaurant near my house . 我家附近有一家好吃的餐厅.
例如2. He was sitting by the window. 他正坐在窗边.
例如3. Noboay want to sit beside Nancy. 没有人想坐在南西的旁边.
例如4. There are many students around the tree. 在树的周围有许多的学生.
(5) in front of , in the front of (在~~之前)/ in back of , in the back of (在~~之后)
Behind (在~~之后)也是in front of 的相反词
例如1, There is a tall tree in front of the classroom. 教室前有一棵大树.
例如2.there is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. 教室前有一个黑板.
例如3.He stood behind his master. 他站在他的主人后面.
Behind (在~~之后)---表示时间,地点.
Before (在~~之前)---表示时间
例如 A car has stopped before the store 这句话不对
In front of the store. 一辆车已经停在商店前.
(6) along (沿着),across(穿越) through(通过)
Across 穿过河流
Through通过山洞 穿过公园也用through
例如1. Let’s take a walk along the river. 我们沿着河边散步吧.
例如2. He want across the street . 他穿过马路.
例如3. Our train is running through a tunnel. 我们的火车正穿越隧道.
(7) from (从), to (到~), for (前往),toward (朝着~~)
From to
例如1. She went to the station 她去了车站.
She went toward the station .她朝着车站去了. (并不一定到车站)
例如2. They ‘ve left for England.. 他们已经前往英国.
例如3. We started from taopei 我们从台北出发.
(8) into (向----里面), out of (在~~之外)
例如1. Mary hurried into her room. 玛丽匆忙进入她的房间.
例如2. Jumped out of the bad. 我从床上跳起来.
(8) into (向----里面), out of (在----之外)
例如1. Mary hurried into her room. 玛丽匆忙进入她的房间
例如2. Jumped out of the bad. 我从床上跳起来.
(1) in
1. 在----(地) Tom lives in News York. 汤姆住在纽约.
2. 在----(时) I have never seen snow in my life. 我一生不会看过雪.
3. 在----(时) 之后 She will get well in a week or so.大约一周之后她就会康复.
4. 用----(语言,材料) sign your name in English . 用英文签名.
5. 在----(状态中) I am always in good health . 我一直很健康.
6. 穿戴着~~ I don’t like the man in the red tie . 我不喜欢那打工的红领带的男人.
(2) On
1. 在---上面 Don’t sit on the floor 不要坐在地板上
2. 在---(时) I was born on October 3. 我出生在10 月3 日.
3. 在---(状态中) The house is on fire. 那房子在燃烧中.
4.关于---- Miss wang read a book on animal 王老师看了一本关于动物的书.
5. 依靠---- (方法,手段) Chinese live on rice 中国人以米食为生.
(3) at
1. 在---(地) I met him at the corner of the street 我在那条街的拐角处碰到他.
2. 在----(时) Our school begins at 8.20 我们从8点20 分开始上课.
3. 对准----目标 The boy threw the bone at the dog.男孩把骨头找那只狗丢去.
4. 听到, 看到.表原因 I was surprised at the news . 听到那稍息我很惊讶.
5. 以----(速度,温度,价格)I sold my car at a high price. 我高价卖掉我的车.
(4) for
1. ---之久表示时间 I have been here for three hours 我在这里等了3小时之久.
2. 以---而言 The girl is tall for her age . 就这女孩的年龄而言,她就算是高的.
3. 给----人 The present is for you .这个礼物给你的.
4. 前往 I took the train for keelung 我搭乘了往基隆的火车.
5. 由于.为了-表示原因 The town is famous for its old castle 这城镇以其古城堡而名.
A-mei is famous for her good voice A-mei 以好桑子闻名.
As a singer A-mei 以歌手身份闻名.
(5) to
1. 到---地 All roads lead to Rome 条条马路通罗马.
2. 到---时 We stayed there to the end of may 我们在那里待到5月底.
3. 对----表动作的对象 listen to me 听我说.
4.为了---表目的 to your health 祝你健康.
1. 和---一起 Mix the sugar with the eggs . (将糖加入鸡蛋中搅拌)
2. 用----工具 He cut down the tree with an ax. 他用斧头砍下那颗树.
3. 附有---- I saw a house with a red roof.我看见一间红色屋顶的房子.
4 关于------ What’s the matter with you ? 你怎么了?
5. 在----身上/ 手上 I have little money with me 我身上只有一点点钱.
6. 随着----- languages grow and change with time. 语言随着时间成长和改善.
(7) of
1.---的 The door of the room is open 房间的门开着.
2. ---当中的 She is one of the members.他是会员之一.
3. 以----构成 She is wearing a dress of silk, 她穿着真丝的服装.
The desk is made of wood of 是没有化学变化
Wine is made from grapes. From 是有化学的变化
4.----之量 I drank a cup of coffee at breakfast .早餐时我喝了一杯咖啡.
(8) by
1. 在----旁边 The house is by the roadside. 那房子在路旁.
2. 被---- She was bitten by dog. 她被狗咬了.
3. 用---- 方式,手段 I made money by selling fruit. 我靠卖水果赚钱.
4. 不晚于----期限 I have to be home by ten O’clock.. 十点前我必须到家.
5.乘坐~~~交通工具 We go to school by bus=(on a bus ) 我们乘公交车上学.
6. 以----为准 What time is it by your watch? 你的现在几点?
7. 只差-----表程度 He is older than I by two years .