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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/24 03:27:57
驾车接听电话不再紧张了,你不必一手掌握方向盘,一边握着手机打电话.只需将这个方便的手机固定器置入你车内的打火机里,你就可以两手紧握方向盘,两眼注视前方道路,一边通话,一边安全驾驶汽车.通过车上的无线电喇叭,你会清晰地听到对方的对话.它适合于任何一种型号和款式的手机,其使用十分简便,可以从一辆车换到另一辆车上.     “甘美”系列优质绿茶,选用高山早春嫩芽为原料,生产工艺考究,产品形美色绿,气味芬芳,味道甘美.本品具有明显的提神功效,是老少皆宜的饮品,该产品被誉为理想的纯天然绿色饮品和健康饮品.
Phone while driving is no longer nervous, you needn't hand grasp the steering wheel, holding a mobile phone call. Only the convenience of mobile phone holder into the lighter in your car, you can hold hands steering wheel, eyes on the road, while calls, while driving a motor vehicle safety. Through the car radio loudspeaker, you will hear each other clearly dialogue. It is suitable for any kind of model and design of mobile phone, the use of very simple, can from one car to another vehicle.
" Sweet" series of high quality green tea, choose the mountain spring buds as raw materials, production technology research, product shape beauty green, fragrant smell, taste sweet. This product has obvious refreshing effect, is the ages of drinks, this product is regarded as an ideal natural green drinks and health drinks.