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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 07:27:47
1、Until these issues are resolvesd, a technology of behavior will contimue to be rejected,and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems 这句话有省略成分吗,it指什么 2、whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of tecnology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force which 引导是什么从句,of这里怎么翻译
1 “直到这些问题得到解决,否则行为的科研方式就会继续受到排斥,并且随着事态的发展,解决我们的问题的惟一方式也可能受到排斥.”it 指代“a technology of behavior will contimue to be rejected”,句末应该省略了谓语:will contimue to be rejected ;with 连接伴随状语;“随着科研方式继续受到排斥”
2 “政府是否以牺牲技术的财政投入来增加对纯理论科研的资金投入,或者是相反,这经常取决于哪一方被看成是决定力量的问题.”which引导的是宾语从句,作of的宾语:哪一方被看成是决定力量的问题(从后往前译);
再问: 1、这个句子a technology of behavior will contimue to be 做状语,那with是什么词性了?2which引导的是宾语从句?depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.这个是宾语后面直接跟了介词?depends on 后面接双宾语?
再答: a technology of behavior will contimue to be 放在with之后,一起做状语(是一起) depends on 后面的宾语是:the issue (这个问题)而 of which is seen as the driving force在the issue 之后,作它的后置定语,译成: the issue (这个问题)of (的) which is seen as the driving force(哪一方被看成是决定力量) 有of出现从后往前翻译,所以译成了:"哪一方被看成是决定力量的问题"
再问: 嘿嘿~~~那with是介词??恩恩,第二个这个翻译我明白了,可是the issue (这个问题)而 of which is seen as the driving force在the issue 之后,作它的后置定语,但是which引导的是宾语从句,作of的宾语,这里我懵了。是定语从句还是宾语从句???
再答: of 译成“的”,of 和which is seen as the driving force一起作定语修饰the issue (大语境)同时which is seen as the driving force又放在介词of之后作介宾(小语境) 你很聪明,你一定会明白的。能问出这样问题的人就不简单。
再问: 这样的啊,我明白啦~~~ 我就是觉得别扭,怎么理解都不通~~嘿嘿,你才厉害嘞~~怎么问你都会~~你把你上次给我回答那个问题后来我评论的给我回答下被,嘻嘻……团长真好~~~~