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请教…神马都是浮云,用英语怎么说?(回复都很geliveble还是g如题 谢谢了

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 14:32:40
请教…神马都是浮云,用英语怎么说?(回复都很geliveble还是g如题 谢谢了
作文题目不会是画一个形状像马的云吧…请教一下如题…ps:16楼说的,大家要注意“给力”一词在去年12月底的纽约时报上的翻译是gelian(形容词),不是“gelivable”!大家都很geliveble,童鞋们的回答:1.All becomes flying cloud2.everything is nothing3.God horses are all floating clouds4.shen ma dou shi fu yun5.nothing is worth mentioning as god's horse becomes cloud, floating .6.All the things u believed deep whthin turned outto be nothingness~7.what is cloud...8.god horse all is float cloud.9.horse is a cloud of God谷歌翻译,不关我的事10.everything is nothing11.everything is hotpot 什么都是火锅比较好点.12.everything is nonsense13.This too will pass away/This tooshall pass-King Solomon14.all that is nothing but floatingclouds15.god horse all is cloud16.传道书第一章第一节:"虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空"Emptiness's vanity and everything is just nothing17.everything is nothing but clouds18.what is floating clouds
请教…神马都是浮云,用英语怎么说?(回复都很geliveble还是g如题 谢谢了
horse is a cloud of God谷歌翻译,不关我的事 查看原帖