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英语翻译A young man was playing poker with six of his friends.He

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 05:42:00
A young man was playing poker with six of his friends.He did not have much money left,so he just threw a quarter in the pot.But he noticed he might have the worst hand.This young man did not even glance at any of the other six players.When the opportunity arose to change all of his cards,he refused and kept his seemingly worthless hand.When the time came to throw in more bets,this young man put in another quarter.Three of the other six noticed that he never changed his cards,and they thought he had a great hand,so they immediately gave up while the remaining three called and threw in some of their money.The young man then decided to put all his money in the pot.This frightened the last three and they gave up,too.This young man had ten times the amount he began with when the game was over.But to his friends’ surprise,the cards he threw on the table showed the lowest hand.After a brief pause,the young man said,“I knew I was going to win because the cards don’t matter in poker.What matters is the trick of leading your opponent (对手) to believe you have an unbeatable hand.” This is not to say we should bluff (虚张声势) our way through life.We should use what we have to be the best we can be.In life,no one is dealt a perfect hand.Sometimes we are not in a good situation.Use all your talents and never focus on what another person has if you want to win.Your life is in your hands.
英语翻译A young man was playing poker with six of his friends.He
一个年轻人和他的6个盆友打牌,他已经没剩下多少钱了,因此他只拿了四分之一下注.但是他好像意识到自己手气不好.这个年轻人甚至都不看其他人一眼.当换牌的机会来的时候,他没有抓住,仍然留着他那看起来毫无价值的牌.当到了加注的时候,这个年轻人加了另外的四分之.另外六个人中的三个看到他从没有换牌,他们就以为他一定有一手好牌,因此当另外三个人叫他们加注的时候他们就立马放弃了.年轻人决定吧所有的钱都投进去.这让另外三个人也吓得放弃了.当游戏结束的时候年轻人赚了10倍.让他朋友吃惊的是,他手里的牌是最臭的.稍微停顿了一下,年轻人说“我知道我会赢,这与牌无关.真正影响的是让你的对手相信你有一手好牌.” 这病不是说生活中我们要虚张声势,我们应该利用我们仅有的资源去获得最大利益.生活中, 没有人会走好运气. 有时候我们处于不利的情形,利用我们的潜能,不要去关注你的对手所拥有的. 你的命运在自己手里.