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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 18:23:42
(3) 在总统和议会关系上,总统行使权力时,不对议会负责,而只对国民负政治上的责任.议会不能通过投不信任票来迫使总统和内阁辞职,只有在总统或内阁成员有违法行为时才能提出弹劾案,被弹劾者是否有罪由参院组成审讯法庭进行审理和决定.总统可以对议会通过的议案行使否决权(搁延否决权),议会两院可以用三分之二多数票推翻总统对议会法案的否决,总统也不能解散议会.总统任命政府重要官吏、外交使节和最高法院法官需经议会中的上院或参院同意.
President of the Republic
The country's highest authority by the president and parliament were in charge of different functions and the exercise of a form of government.President of the republic,presidential and parliamentary elections by a term limit,the Cabinet by the President and President of the organization in charge of the president is both head of state and government summit,with the parliamentary relations between the power.
President of the Republic refers to the President for the Heads of State and Government from the direct leadership of the President of the Government,the Government has not responsible for the parliament and the president in charge of the country's form of government.The United States is the world's first presidential republic.In addition to the United States,Brazil,Mexico,Chile,the Philippines,Egypt,Russia,Zaire and other countries have adopted presidential republic.Its main characteristics are:
(1) presidential election by universal suffrage,is both head of state and government summit,the national command of the armed forces,government organizations and leadership by the president,in charge of the president,not the legislature.
(2) compared with the implementation of the principle of strict separation of powers,parliamentary and presidential by universal suffrage.Complete separation of government and parliament,the Government can not serve as members of the Members of the Legislative Council can not participate in the discussion and vote.
(3) in the presidential and parliamentary relations,the exercise of presidential power,not to Parliament,but only on the negative national politics.Parliament passed a vote of no confidence to force the resignation of the President and Cabinet,only the president or cabinet members when the offense can move a motion of impeachment,the guilt or innocence of those who have been impeached by the Senate composition of the trial court proceedings and decisions.President of the Parliament can veto the motion adopted by the (extension of the veto put),both houses of parliament can be two-thirds majority to overturn presidential veto of the bill to parliament that the president can not dissolve parliament.President of the appointment of key government officials,diplomats and Supreme Court judges subject to parliament's upper house or Senate consent.